Schrink Ray (Part 2)

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“Well, does this make my IQ bigger than yours now?”

“Schut up…”
(Shut up…)

To put it simply, never double-cross an object with a shrink ray, because apparently, the second strike reverses the effect a great deal.

“Vu'fe destroyed mein office!” Henrik blurted as you could barely make up space to sit in a comfortable position in the now heavily cramped room.
(You’ve destroyed my office!)

Henrik’s desk was completely shoved off to the side, your foot rested onto his counter and his ceiling pushed upwards to fit your head inside. Your pressure on the roof tore up the electrical workings above, causing the light to flicker in the room. Dust whirred in the air like wildfire all the while. The room was terribly broken, and the repairs- if affordable- were going to be costly.

“I know you’re not trying to put the blame on me here, tough guy. You’re the idiot who thought it would be a good idea to blast me a second time with that stupid gun all because you couldn’t take constructive critisizm!” You shouted at him in anger and slammed your fist into the wall, to which he flinched for the first time you’d ever seen him do so before.

The entire room shook and rattled. Two neighboring patients from the other room could be heard yelp. Henrik thought fast, quickly locking his door shut to prevent anyone from walking in on the giant monstrosity that was you. It was likely one of- if not- the single logical move he pulled off that day.

Oh, it was smart alright; moments after he had locked his door, a knock came from it in return.

“Is everything okay in there Doctor Schneeplestein?” A concerned, muffled voice called from the other side.

“Ja, ja! Efferything is fine. Get avay from mein precious fucking door.” Henrik retorted irritatingly in response, waving his hands around.
(Yes, yes! Everything is fine. Get away from my precious fucking door.)

“What happened in there Doctor, did something break?” They continued to pester him.

“Something fell, that’s all.” You spoke up from the corner, causing Henrik to stare you down with a death glare in the corner of his eye.

“Wh-... who was that?” They stuttered; you forgot your voice was terribly loud even to what sounded like a normal tone to yourself.

“Ah, zat's mein padient! Zey're chust ein bit of ein chatter mouth, zat's all.” He explained off the top of his head.
(Ah, that's my patient! They're just a bit of a chatter mouth, that's all.)

“Doctor… are you sure-” He cut them off as the last straw.

“GET AVAY FROM MEI DOOR!” Henrik blurted at them, to which there was no response.

You bit your tongue to prevent yourself from laughing out loud. Henrik’s coworker’s always managed to get under his skin somehow, and it was always a joy to watch and listen too.

Henrik saw your stupid smile and simply rolled his eyes. He couldn’t find the shrink ray anywhere, to which you noticed minutes later.

“You think you’re really going to shoot me with that thing again? As far as I’m aware after this unfortunate experience that’s not just a shrink ray anymore.”

"If I hit vu vith it akain it could schrink vu dovn to normal zise akain! Or to your smaller zise as vell, either or vould be ein choy for me.” He continued to procrastinate to himself.
(If I hit you with it again it could shrink you down to normal size again! Or to your smaller size as well, either or would be a joy for me.)

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