The Conference That Changed It All !♥

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Jays P.O.V

"Bey come downstairs before your late!" I yelled

"I'm coming calm down!"She yelled back at me from upstairs

Beyonce new album 4 just came out and it's doing really good on the charts. I am so happy for  my baby and her success. I am upset that she is going back to work but I had her for a year so I need to let her go and do what makes her happy. 

We are supposed to be in the car right now on our way to this conference but Bey is taking her slow time so, I know we are going to definitely be late. After waiting for what seems like forever, my beautiful wife finally came downstairs looking sexy. That dress was hugging all her curves, which was tempting me but I knew we had to go. 

"DAMN you looking sexy,"I said looking her up and down admiring every curve on her body.

"I can't say the same for you,"Bey said with a smirk on her face.

"You wasn't saying that last night,"I said giving her the same smirk she gave me.

I then went in to kiss her but she dead dodged my kiss.

"I won't be saying that tonight Mr.Smart ass,"She said laughing.

"So you going to be like that?"I said fake pouting.

She looked over to me and stuck her tongue out at me before opening the door to leave. I followed her out of the house, to the limo that was waiting for us outside. 

When we got in the limo I just stared at Bey because let face it who wouldn't. Her dress was white and had a low cut in the back that ended by her lower back. I really want to just strip her, and fuck her in this limo but I'll save that for later. 

"Jay I see you peeking over here. "Beyonce said laughing.

"Look at you, how can I not?"I said licking my lips .

"You can look but don't touch!"She teased.

"I won't touch now but I can't make any promises about later.."I winked.

Beyonce laughed,crossed her legs while biting her lips. Then she started to squirm around a little bit and I knew she was getting turned on just from me just speaking about tonight.

Beyonce P.O.V

I was so happy to be getting back to work. Jay and  I took a break from business to work on our relationship because the lack of intimacy was really putting a toll on our relationship. It wasn't like Jay cheated on me, or vice versa. We would just have petty arguments but we realized the problem and now we are better than ever. I really love him, and I can't see myself being happy without him. 

After 15 minutes of a stare off with Jay, we finally arrived at the location. I quickly went backstage for touch ups on my makeup, just to make sure I don't look like a clown. When that was done, the stage manager just told me what to and walked me to the stage. I nodded at her, confirming my understanding, then I gave Jay a kiss. He left to go back to the room to watch, and I waited to be called. Soon I heard...

"Now let's bring to the stage,  performer , actress , grammy award winning Beyonce, so we can celebrate her 4th number 1 album. "The announcer said loudly

When I heard that, I started to walk to the podium where I stood in front of a 100 journalist and maybe a couple fans. The energy in the room wasn't the best, but this is my job and I love it. I just wish the interviews weren't so boring the same stupid question. You know "how does it feel to have a number 1 album", or the "Who inspired this album?" just basic questions. 

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