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Beyonce P.O.V

I went straight to my dressing room and called Angie and my publises because what just happen made everything worse but I know it is fixable . She told me that she is going to handel it and everything is okay .

Jay: Beyonce did you mean that on stage ?

Beyonce: Mean what ?

Jay: Everything? The fact that I am good in bed being number one ?

Beyonce: Yes Jay your amazing in bed . Why would you think your not ?

Jay: because you said it ..

Beyonce: Yes i said it because I was upset Jay . Your really the best in bed and you make me feel so grown and sexy when we make love . Your the best in bed i cant explain the way you make me feel in words.. There is reasons why i call you Daddy.

Jay: Wow Beyonce i took those sex therpy classes for nothing .

Beyonce: What?

Jay: That girl that was at the house when you came to get your stuff is a sex thepist ..

Beyonce: Your lying .. there is no such thing.

Jay went on his phone and showed me her website and i couldnt beilve it.

Beyonce: Wow never would have thought ..

Jay: yeah i  thought me sucking in bed was messing up our relationship so i went to her ..

Beyonce: No Jay you dont have to worry about sex at all.

Jay: okay good .. but do you really not care what people think about us?

Beyonce:if I marrried you obviously I dont care ..

Jay: I know but I alway felt like you had doughts about marrying me ..

Beyonce: Jay if I felt like that I would have never walked down the aisle...

Jay:I know I just love you and felt like you would want someone better looking and younger then me .

Beyonce: Why would you think that?

Jay: Beyonce you are beautiful and young .. way out of my league..

Beyonce: Well obviously not if we are married . Jay listen I dont care how old you are . I love you and how you make me feel . you make me feel safe and happy and I am comfortable around you ..

Jay: I know its just somtime i thought you were pretending to love me so I will feel better about myself ....

Beyonce: jay just shut up okay.. stop doghting yourself .. your an amamzing man .

Jay:Thanks bae ..

Beyonce: lets go I am hungry and we have a doctors appointment.

Jay: The baby appointment is tommrow .. 

Beyonce: No we are going to get tested for all the STD ..

Jay: Why bey I know I am clean ..

Beyonce: I just want to make sure Jay ... and since im making you do one I thought its only right if I got to ..

Jay: If this is what you really want to do then lets go..

Jay P.O.V

We went to the hospital and they took blood from both of us and said if there was a problem they would call us .Even though I knew for sure I didnt have anything I still did it if it meant my wife feeling okay .

Jay: What do you want for lunch?

Beyonce: umm anywhere you want .

Jay: pizza?

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