Turn Down For What !♥

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Beyonce P.O.V

Wow, I really can't look at Solange the same knowing she hurt a pregnant women. Yes, I want to beat Latoya ass and she does deserve it but our mom taught us better.

"Beyoncé I'm sorry for fighting her, I just couldn't help my self. She hurt you and I don't like seeing you hurt. I let my anger get the best of me and I'm sorry." Solange pleaded.

"I don't want to talk about it just take me to a hotel." I said back dryly.

I understood where Solange was coming from but at the end what she did was wrong. I can't respect what she did, I forgive her though. But I'm going to let her think about what she did and actually learn her lesson.

Anyways, Solange dropped me off at the Loyality Hotel, I got a nice suite with a nice view. When I got to the room, I took a 2 hour shower. Just thinking and singing my problems away.

When I got out the shower, I lotion my skin and put some underclothes on. I was about to go to sleep until my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hey beautiful.." an unfamiliar voice said on the other line.

"Hey who is this?" I questioned.

"Its Justin Timberlake." He answered. Now that I actually thought about it, it sounds like him.

"Oh hey, what's poppin?" I asked curious to why he called my phone this late.

"I'm having a party tonight and I wanted you to come. I know you been stressed with all those interviews with those stupid journalist. Thought maybe you wanted to let your hair down for the night."He said laughing.

"Aw thanks but I can't, I have somwhere to be in the morning." I denied not really wanting to be bothered.

"Come on Bey, I really want to see your beautiful eyes. We haven't seen each other in a while." He complemented.

"Okay I will go. Send me the information and I'll be there on my time."I said giving up.

"Goodbye beautiful, can't wait to see you."He said making me blush.

I always thought Justin was cute and funny but Jay didn't want me to hang out with him. But now that I'm single as fuck I can give two shits about how Jay feels. He's didn't give a fuck about me when he was fucking Latoya.

Justin P.O.V

It's been two hours since I talked to Beyoncé and she's suppose to be here by now. I've been drinking and dubbing women waiting for her.

When I was about ready to leave, I felt a taps my shoulder, I turned around annoyed thinking it was another hoe but to my suprise it was Beyoncé. She had on a tight red dress that showed all her curves . Her beautiful blonde hair curled to perfection and some black stripper heels. I couldn't help but stare at her with full lust in my eyes.

"Hey Justin."She said giving me a hug.

She smelled so fucking good.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" She said giggling.

"Not at all." I said frantically. Well, there goes the smooth man act.

After that we just sat and talked at the bar for a couple hours. Really just catching up, and of course we were drinking. The more she drank the more she flirted with me and I couldn't complain.

As we were talking I notice Beyoncé started to dance in her chair. I asked her a couple times if she wanted to dance but she declined. But as soon as 'dance for you' came on and her eyes lit up I knew she really wanted to dance.

"Lets go dance." I demanded.

"Fine."She said getting up slowly and sexy.

As we were on the dance floor it started off really innocent but it got steamy real quick. She started to grind really slow on my Lil man, and I started to harden against her. I knew she could feel it because she bit her lip and gave me the look.

She quickly turned around facing me and slowly kissed me. That slow sensual kissed turned into a sloppy makeout session real quick.

"Lets go finish this at my hotel room." She whispers in my ear.

Being the man that I am, I wasn't going to decline the invitation even if I knew she was drunk as fuck. So, I had my driver take us to her hotel room.

When we got into her room I didn't waste no time . I have been wantimg to get with Beyonce for years and I wa5snt going to mess up now . I picked her up and put her the bed . I kissed her as I took her thong off  I opened her legs and started to eat her out .

She was so fucking sexy when she was turned on. Her cheeks got red and she continued to bit her lip not wanting to let her moans out but I needed to hear them.

"Stop holding them in." I said still in between her legs sending a vibration through her body.

"Mm, yes Justin." She moaned out. It was so fucking hot.

"Aye, Beyonce WTF ARE YOU DOING."

I looked back to see an angry Kanye at the door. FUCK!

Word Of The Author

This is a very short chapter because my phone is dying !♥ but what do you guys think is going to happen? Do you like Beyonce and Justin ? Well thanks for everyone that reads this !
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love you guys !♥

[Edited May 29,2017]

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