Shower Suprise<3

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Beyonce P.O.V

I woke up to the pain of little Jr and Sasha kicking me like they were having a party in my belly. It is the most unconformable thing in the world you don't even know . At first it was cute but now this shit hurts really bad. I only have 2 months and I am counting down the months because I am getting too big and its too painful for me to handle . I looked over to the other side of the bed thinking Jay can stop them because his touch completely stops them but he was no where to be found . All I seen was a note and some sort of beach wear. I got up and looked at the note .

"Had to run out and handle a couple thing .. but be ready by 1 and I will make it up to you . Tell the babies I love them."

-Your King

I looked at the clock and I was surprise to see that it was 12 in the afternoon . I am surprised I slept that long because usually I wake up really early with these babies kicking me early in the morning . Anyways I got in the shower and washed my hair . When I got out i blowed dried it and put some loose curls in it . When I looked under the blue cover up there was a bikini . Jay must be out of his fucking mind if he thing my fat whale looking ass is going to be out in public with a bikini on . Then there was another note under it .

"Baby put the bikini please . Your beautiful and could never look like a whale . I love you and your baby bump .. Its also a plus that your ass and boobs are HUGE .. love you and you better have that bikini on when I see you . <3"

-Your King

That made me laugh that he knew exactly what I was thinking before I even thought it . He must really know me and what I be thinking . Anyways I put the bikini on and it fit perfectly which is surprising because I get fatter everyday and I don't even know my size anymore . Then I put the blue cover up on top and I looked pretty good I must say, Its did show some cleavage but not too much and even though it was see threw it was okay because of the bikini . I decided not to put makeup on because if I am wearing a bikini I am sure I going to get wet and who wears make up to get wet ? Exactly .. I looked back at the clock and it was 12:59 so I was pretty much on time . I went and grabbed my ring and put it on because if i am going to be with Jay why not wear my ring right? When I got down stairs Danny the driver was ringing the door bell for us to go. I got inside the car and I could see outside the window which was very strange . I felt like I was going to be kidnapped like since when did they make cars where you couldn't see threw your window . He also had something up so I couldn't see Danny which is weird . I hit the button to show that I needed to ask something and this partition thing came down which also confused me because we wasn't in a limo or anything.

"Danny where exactly are we going?" I asked a little scared

"I was told not to say anything ." Danny said with his eyes still on the rode

"From who exactly?" I asked knowing it was Jay

"Mr.Carter." He said

"Well could you tell me it will be a secret." I said trying to convince him to tell me

"I am sorry Mrs.Carter but I was told not to tell ." He said denying my offer

"Are we at least close because I am getting hungry." I said

"We have about a 2 hour drive." He said

"Well could you make it a 1 hour drive?" I ask knowing Danny can work magic when driving

"Yes ma'm." He said

"Thank you Danny." I said ending the conversation

He closed the partition thing up again and I felt him drive faster but what I love about Danny is he can drive extremely fast but safe and it doesn't effect me. That is crazy because I do get car sick sometimes but never when he is driving . I guess that's why we keep him as our driver . Except for the fact that he keeping Jay little secret . Then I thought what is really 2 hours away from my house that could surprise me? I honestly don't know anyplace he could surprise me at with me having a bathing suit on and all .

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