The Flashback of Hell <33

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Beyonce P.O.V

Just thinking about what happen makes me cry. I tried to get it out my head but it replayed in my head over and over. I didn't know what to say to Jay. Should I tell him or just leave it alone? I knew I should have told him from the beginning but I felt stupid telling him something like this.


"I was pregnant with his baby."I whispered out.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BABY? Why would you lie and say that I was your first?"He yelled out obviously upset with me.

"You just don't fucking understand."I yelled out in pure sadness.

"Then explain it to me."He said looking at me with hatred mixed with curiosity. 


"Beyonce how are you and Lyndall?"Kelly asked as we were just chilling out. 

"Yeah, whats been going on child?"Michelle asked getting in my businness too. 

"I havent spoken to him in weeks, I was thinking about stopping by at his house after school."I said being honest. 

"Do you want me to come with you?"Kelly asked concern. 

"No I think I'll be okay."I said denying her questions. 

After that we just talked about other things until lunch was over. Then I went to class which was boring like every other day. When I got out of school, I went over to Lyndall houuse and knocked on his door. 

"Hey Bey, whats up?"Lyndall said opening the door. 

"I just wanted to come see you, I missed you."I said being honest. 

"Oh, well you can go upstairs to my room."He said allowing me into his house. 

I went upstairs already knowing where everything is. As soon as we got into the room he started kissing on me which at first I enjoyed. But then he threw me onto the bed and got on top of me. I quickly pushed him away not really trying to go there. 

"Wait, can we talk?"I said creating some space in between us. 

"Are you on your period or something?"He asked with an attitude. 

"No."I said offended that he would ask me something stupid like that. 

"Then whats your problem." He said before pushing me into the nearest wall forcefully. 

I groaned out in pain, I couldnt really walk. He slowly walked over to me and ripped off my skirt along with my panties. In that moment, I knew that this wasnt going to end well. I never felt so scared in my life. 

"Stop!"I yelled out hoping he would listen but he didnt. "Im not ready!"

I tried to push him away but he was just way too strong for me. He put my arms behind my back before he started to take off his pants. I took that opportunity to try to run away. He quickly slapped me in my face and then punched me in my stomach with so much force. 

"Your going to take this dick."He said scaring me more. 

I closed my eyes not wanting to see him anymore. I just continued to cry out and move hoping he would give up on me. However, I knew it wasnt working when I felt a sharp pain go through my whole core. I slowly opened my eyes and looked down to see him entering me and blood coming down.

"Stop Lyndall, please. Your hurting me, look Im bleeding. I really cant take it anymore."I pleaded out. 

He looked at me with an evil smirk before entering me harder and chocking me. I just closed my eyes and tried to zone out hoping that it would end soon. After what felt like forever, I felt liquid insert me which I assumeed was him cuming. 

"Damn Bey, your pussy good. Now get the fuck out!"He yelled out before letting my hands go. 

I quickly pulled my skirt out and ran out of his house crying. 

*1 month later*

Over the past couple week I've been feeling so sick. I went to the dollar store and brought a couple pregnancy test just to make sure. When I took it, I found out that I was in fact pregnant. Some how my parents found out and my mom was disspaoointed in me but she supported me regardless. However, my dad was more into me making money as a singer so he took me to the hospital one day and had me get an aborition. I had to tell everyone including family that I miscarriade because my dad didnt want anyone to know how much of a horrible man he was. That day was one of the most painful days of my life. I killed my inncent baby because I was strong enough to stand up again my father. 

*Present Time*

"Beyonce why didn't you tell me this before?"Jay asked with concern laced in his voice.

"I wasn't suppose to tell anyone that's why and I didn't want you to think I was a hoe or something ."I said crying my eyes out at the memory. 

"I could never see you as a hoe, and I'm going to make sure that those two pay for what they did to you."He said sounding angry. 

He pulled me into a hug before telling me he loved me. 

"I love you too."I said with a slight smile on my face. 

After I was able to calm down, we left the hospital and went home. I really loved this man, and I knew in this moment he loves me too. 

Words Of The Author :

OMG can you beileve that happened to beyonce . No wonder she dont want no kids .. and Her is and father are terrible people .

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Thank you guys for reading <3

[Edited: January 20,2018]

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