Girl Time <33

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Okay so people have been asking for my help and shout outs on here and me being who I am I am going to do it .. So everyday there until people stop I will have a shout out but they ALL are beyhive members with Beyonce stories and I do read there stories before I give shout outs because i don't want to give out shout outs to people who aren't serious about this .. SO WRITE NOT LIKE RIGHT NOW GO AND SEARCH UP sheronderrek RIGHT NOW .. THERE ARE 3 STORIES GO READ ALL THREE MY FAVORITE RIGHT NOW IS The Love of Beyonce and Jayz <33 Right now there is a lot going on but let me tell you its AMAZING <33 like go read it will change you life <33 well here is my update <333

Jay  P.O.V

I was cooking breakfast for me and the bae and she came down stairs fully ready to go . She was also crying and I was confused and scared because every time something like this happens she thinks I cheated and we just go back together .. And NO I didn't cheat on her again

Jay:Bae where are you going?

Beyonce: To the hospital..

Jay: What happen?

Beyonce: JAY I don't know all i know is Solo called me crying.

Jay: Wait for me I will drive you ...

Beyonce:Hurry up..

I went into the closet and just slipped on my Jordan's because I was already dressed . We got to the hospital in 10 minutes because i passed the speed limit and ran like 10 red lights but it was for a good purpose . When we got there we seen Solange in the seat crying . Beyonce ran to her and just started hugging her.

Beyonce P.O.V

I went up to Solo and just held her . She may act tuff but she is still like a baby to me and I hate seeing her hurt like this.

Beyonce: Solange what happen?

Solange: He he hit my baby.

Beyonce: Wait WHAT?

Solange: Well you know James right? He stayed over at the house because Daniel had Julez for the weekend but he came in the morning to drop him off . I told James to leave because I didn't want Julez to see James just yet. He got mad because he thought I was still with Daniel so when Daniel left Jelez got mad and said something to James about yelling at me and.. He pushed him and Jelez hit his head..


Jay: What happen?

Beyonce: This nigga hit Jelez and that why he is in the hospital.

Jay: Where the fuck is that nigga at?

Solo: He ran out when Jelez fell..

Jay: He better hope to never run into me ...

Beyonce: Got that right.

Jay: Where the fuck does this nigga live?

Beyonce:Right he about to get a nice southern ass whoopen  .

Jay: Fuck that I am going street on that nigga.

Solo: He will never come back after he did this..

Beyonce: He must have some type of science..

Solo: I just wish I could do something .. I swear i am a terrible mother ..

Beyonce: Solange you are NOT a bad mother .. You have done everything you can to make care of him and your doing a hell of a job .

Solo: But he is hurt because of my selfish needs.

Jay: Bey can I talk to Solange for a second?

The Struggles Of Jayonce !♥[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now