A secret?

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Jay P.O.V

??: I see you went back to your old ways and got caught.

Jay: What you mean my old ways?

??: Your not making no money off the album's... You know you still a drug dealer.

Jay: no I am here for saving you daughters life.

Mathew: yeah right.. no one would want to kill my daughter.

Jay: your little boyfriend did now he is DEAD!

Mathew: *attacks jay* You FUCKING BASTARD.

Jay:*punches mathew out* old ass ..

Out of everyone in this whole prison they room me with this nigga. I am in here because of his daughter and now I have to deal with all his bullshit that doesnt even matter. Why me ? Uhh I hope Beyonce gets me out of here soon .

Beyonce P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of food . It was heavenly I ran down stairs to see my mom cooking.

Beyonce: OMG mama I didn't know you were here .

Tina: When I seen Jay on tv I took the first plane out here to make sure you were okay .

Beyonce: thanks mom

Tina:Did you go see him yet ? Is he coming out? Are you okay?

Beyonce: I am alright .. no I dont know anything.. he called and asked me to come down there so he can explain but I really dont want too .. I need time to myself and to think . I dont have time for his drama . I am stressed and I have a concert coming up in 2 days .

Tina: I understand that Beyonce but thats your husband for better or worse.

Beyonce:*crying* I just can't handel to look at him mom . Everytime I see his face I think of how happy he was when he found out I was pregnant and how I losed our baby . It just all comes back .

Tina: I know but call him and talk to him . Jail seems to be very sad place . your call might just make his day .

Beyonce: I will but what are you cooking here I am really hungry.

Tina: Some bbq chicken , cabbage , cornbread and some apple pie.

Beyonce: That sounds amazimg ... is it almost ready ?

Tina: yep 20 min .

Beyonce: Alright .

I went upstairs and started to write a letter to Jay . I am not really ready to talk to him but I want him to know I care.

Dear Jay ,

I am so sorry that I cant help you its just I cant look at you in the face anymore . I cant even look at myself in the mirror.  I am emotionally crazy right now and I dont want you to see me like this. I know I seemed okay but inside I am so broken . I know I kept this a secret but Everytime I look at you I see how happy you were when you found out I was pregnant. So happy we both were and how I messed it up . How I killed out child because of my owm selfish reason . I do care about you soo much you dont even know . I cant lose you Jay and I wont . When I get myself together I promise I will be the best wife in the WORLD...but right now I cant.. I cant cook .. cant have sex... cant love .. just cant jay .. I love you with EVERYTHING I HAVE !♥ Please believe me ....

-Your Queen !♡

Tina: the food is Done !

Beyonce:*runs down the stairs to the table*

Jelez: You must really be hungry BB.

Solange: She just a fat a-


Solange: sorry...

Beyonce: I just been really hungry I haven't ate all day . 

Tina: yeah but you have a couple of shows amd it starts tomorrow .

Solange: How many?

Beyonce: 1 week and 2 days worth .

Solange: thats not a tour .

Beyonce: yeah i know but tour and shows same difference.

*beyonce finsh eating and got 2 more plates of food*

Beyonce: mama that was some food food .

Tina: I can tell .. you got seconds ..

Beyonce: Yeah now I'm full. Good night.

Tina: Night hun .

1 week letter

Jay P.O.V

I got Beyonce letter and just reading it made me cry . I misses her so much and never knew how much she was dealing with . kissing me and pleasuring me all those nights . She must have wanted to burst into tears but I was worried about myself . I had to call her and apologize. Yes I have my own cell phone but they can make sure I'm not doing anything stupid. Yes I had to pay alot of money but for reasons like this its good.

*calls Beyonce*

Jay: Beyonce?

Beyonce:*crying* Hi ..

Jay: Whats wrong Beyonce..

Beyonce: I'm in the hospital....

Jay: What?

Words of The Author:

Sorry for these short chapters but this is an extra chapter anyways ... but still ! How do you think conversation is going to go? Good ? Bad? okay? Beyonce in the hospital what happen? anyways I hope you guys are enjoying the story.. right now its alittle boring but I will make it better trust me ! Until next time ... SLAY FOR THE GODS.... OH AND follow me on ....

Instagram: @behive4life

Twitter: @behive4life

Kik: behive4life

-thanks for 8.9 reads! ♥

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