Find Out <33

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Quess whos birthday it is...


Did you guess?

its not that hard !


Anyways I decided to give you guys an update today because this weekend I might not have wifi! Anyways heres the update!♡

Beyonce P.O.V

Its been about a month since the VMA's and everything is going great . Today I just turned 23 weeks pregnate or you may say 5 1/2 months preganate . Today is when I find out the gender of the baby and I am so happy to find out what my little plum plum is so I can get cloths and the room ready. Its about 8:25 in the morning and Dr.C should be here soon to check and see what I am . Last week we tried but something happned and a foot was blocking the way but she said today should be good to tell what the baby is .

"Are you exited?" Jay said coming down stairs

" Yeah I want to set up the room and stuff." I said

"Bad news." he said

"WHAT?" I yelled

"Your not in control of that." he said

'What you mean ?" i asked confused

"You told me that I could worry about the babies room and the house arrangments." he said

"No I didnt." i said upset

"Yes you did and you signed the contract but you can buy the baby things but making sure the room is done is my job." he said

"What ever can you at least tell me how we are going to tell the family?" i asked

"Nope you will see it when it happens ." he said

"your so mean." i said puating

"Aww babe dont be upset you will see how later." he said hugging me

The door bell rang so I went and got it . No suprise it was Dr.C with everything

"Good Morning." she said with a smile

"Morning .. Come in." i said letting her i

She did what she normaly does and set up everything in the living room .

"Alright you can lay dowm now." she said

"okay." I said laying down .

"So do you want me to tell you the gender?" she said pulling the jelly on my belly

"NO just write it down on a peice of paper." jay said

"I thought you wanted to know ." she said

"we do i dont know what Jay talking about." i said

"Just trust me okay." i said

"Alright listen to him ." i said upset

"You guys closed your eyes." she said

I felt her go around my bellly and I heard the heart breat which was amazing . She kept going around then she stopped for a second .

"OMG I cant beileve it ." she said exited

"What?" me and jay said

"Nothing Nothing at all." she said

Then i felt her wipe the stuff off my belly and I opened my eyes and so did Jay .

The Struggles Of Jayonce !♥[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now