Bonnie And Clyde Part II ♥

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Beyonce P.O.V

I rolled out the car and shot for my life . I know I didnt have that much of a chance but I would do anything to make sure my man is safe. There was gun shots coming from all around . Flashing lights and press and just a lot going on . Cops yelling at me but all I thought about is FOR BETTER OR WORSE ! this just so happenes to be the WORSE . Then all of a sudden I feel someone holding my waist and picking me up . It felt like Jay but I know he is far away in the save house.  I turned around and there he was ..

Beyonce: What are you doing your suppose to be in the save house?

Jay: Beyonce I am not going to EVER leave my wife to die ... You will NEVER DIE alone .

Beyonce: I am sick .. you could have died saving me.

Jay: How are you going to die ? Where you more then dehydrated?

Beyonce: Yes but I dont want to talk about it okay .

Jay: Beyonce I am your husband you have to let me in and tell me how you feel .

Beyonce: I will when were not running from cops.

Jay: There not behind us anymore . you shot half of there tires and stuff they cant go no where unless they run.

Beyonce:*crying*I am so sorry .. This is all my fault .

Jay:No its not . I killed him its my fault .

Beyonce: yea you did do that . Know I AM ABOUT TO GET ARRESTED WHAT TYPE OF SHIT ..!

Jay: I am sorr-

Beyonce : Dont you fucking finish that sentence take that sorry and shove it up your ass.

Jay: What ever ...

Jay P.O.V

We kept driving in silence until we rolled up to this nice ass cabin type of house . It looked my our house but in wood form. I didn't even know things like this was possible.

Driver: We are here Mr and Mrs. Carter. 


Jay: Thank you .

I got out the car and I didnt hear any more cops .All I heard was birds chirping it was so peaceful and nice.I went to the house and opened the door . after I got inside I closed the door back not caring about Beyonce. I went and got something to eat because all they give you in jail is bread and water.

Beyonce: Oh so your just going to slam the door in my face .

Jay: OMG she can talk its a miracle. 

Beyonce: Stop being such a smart ass..

Jay: Since when could you tell me what to do?

Beyonce: Since I was your WIFE.

Jay: Oh so now your my wife but when I was in jail you was riding for yourself.

Beyonce: Jay I thought you forgave me for it I am sorry .

Jay: I did but it hurts to know that you went WEEKS without even thinking to come and see me or even talk to me. If that is love then I would rather just have hoes.

Beyonce:Hoes really ? They can never do what i do and did for you .

Jay:Beyonce when i was husling and only had hoes every single one of them came and supported me . I was NEVER alone unless i choosed to be. Rihanna even called to see if i was okay . She payed a half a million dollors just to talk to me for 5 min ... What type of shit it that?

Beyonce:Oh so thats why your mad . Jay i thought you tried to KILL me .. and those hoes were only there to make sure when you getbout you can still give them money and you know that ... and Rihanna didnt come to see you because she xared she came because she wants you amd she is tryong to take my spot that she cant have .

Jay:Well i rather have girls support me and want tmy money then to love someone who doeant give a FUCK about me .

Beyonce: *crying* I cant believe that just came out your mouth.

Jay: Its true beyonce dont lie.

Beyonce: jay I told you its just I am sick and i didn't want you to see me like this but you dont seem to understand .

Jay: How are you sick? You look fine .. You was shooting niggas in heels ... you was doing interview but you cant talk to your HUSBAND WHAT TYPE OF SHIT.!

Beyonce: you just dont understand.....

Jay:Help me understand because this is all some bullshit..


Jay: How Beyonce?

Beyonce: I ....

Words of The Author:

So from right now she cant die from getting shot but she is still sick and dying .. but how idk ? guess down below.. and I hope none of you hate me for killinh bey but I am still having a story in the summer when I finsh school that for sure ! any ways yea comment below and follow me on...

Instagram: @behive4life




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