2,000+ Reads AND Sneak Peak <3

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OMG Thank you guys for one of the best birthday presents <33 20,723 READS <33 LIKE YASSS ! I wake up to this like you guys are so amazing .. And I know you guys might be upset with me cutting down on updates but damn over 20,000 reads and getting close to 21,000 like you guys are EVERYTHING <3 I love ever single one of you .. When I started this story I never thought it would get so popular because I'm not going to lie I suck with spelling and just writing as a whole .. But you guys have stood with me and stayed tune for about 50+ UPDATES and that amazing <3 Like seriously . I know I don't thank you guys enough but it really does mean so much . Every comment , vote and read makes this all worth it . When ever you guys comment saying good chapter or anything I get happy and when ever my mom asked why I feel bad for not updating is because I feel like I am failing you guys .. Trust me I HATE when I'm into a story and it takes them months to update and I NEVER want to be like that . If you guys ever feel like I am not updating enough inbox , comment something and I WILL get an update up by the next day <33 Anyways thank you guys I will be post an update for this story later on today normal time because this deserves an update ..


"Bad news." he said

"Is everything alright Jay?" she said concerned

Jay cut ______ in the middle and then .....

Well those are the sneak peaks and THANK YOU GUYS <333

The Struggles Of Jayonce !♥[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now