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Jay P.O.V

I walked into the room and seen Beyoncé huddled in the corner. I hate seeing her like this. The doctors call it an anxiety attack or some shit.

*Jay walks to Beyoncé*

Jay: "Beyoncé I am going to need you to breath for me baby." *putting his hand on her shoulder*

Beyoncé: *silence* *still not breathing normal*

*jay look into Beyoncé eyes*

Jay:"Bey Bey please breath ."

Beyoncé:*starts to breath normal again*

Jay: "okay good ... now can you stop shaking and talk to me?"

Beyoncé: *still rocking* " i--I a..m g-o--i-n--g to me--ss u-p ."

Jay:"Beyonce you are a magnificence preformer . If you fall you can get back up ... If you forget the word your crazy fans will help you out ... if you miss a dance move you can play it off... beyonce you have nothing to worry about "

Beyonce: *still shaking* "iitttss jussstt.."

Jay: "Just do it for the Beyhive your there Queen."

I knew after I said that it clicked in her mind. She just needed that push to go on and I knew that I just gave her the drive she needed.

Beyonce: *stops shaking* "your right jay I am BEYONCE!

Jay: "yes and your crazy fans are waiting . I love you Beyonce. "

Beyonce: "thanks Jay I really needed that . Are you staying for the show?"

Jay:"umm yes I think I should go .. I don't want to miss any of your performance ."

Beyonce:"wait who let you in?"

Jay: "Justin !."


Jay: "Justin Timberlake your boyfreind? "

Beyonce: "Oh I wouldn't call him my boyfriend buuuu ."

*Latoya called Jay*

Jay: "Oh hey baby yeah I will meet you in the front I'm coming now."

*hangs up the phone*

Beyonce:"who was that?"

Jay:"Latoya we came to watch the festival. "

Beyonce:"oh right you and Latoya are a thing."


Beyonce:*additude* "well bye don't you have to go to your girlfriend or somthing?"

Jay:"bey please don't do that."

Beyonce:"its cool jay... you moved on ... I understand .. thanks for everything

Jay:"no problem.."

*jay leaves*

Beyonce P.O.V

Jay left and the my phone buzzed. It is probably Justin and I don't want to talk to him but he is probably worried. I looked at it and it was a text from Jay .

Text Convo

The King♥: I still love you Beyonce ..

The Queen♡: I know you do but I

have a show so bye ...



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