Sequel or Na? <33

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Okay so some people want a sequel and others don't think its needed but I am telling you now that the sequel isn't going to be about Jayonce . It might have a little to do with them for the first 2 chapters but it is going to be mostly from the Blue and Prince P.O.V and how they feel about the situation and the things that are going on . I am still not 100% sure that I am doing the sequel . It is 50/50 right now . I want to show you guys what it would be like for the beginning and the start .. Yes I wrote a chapter or 2 but I am still not sure so here is a little something something from Prince P.O.V <3

PS: He is about 10 years old and Bey and Jay are still not together . They follow the rules Beyonce came up with so yeah .. Here you go !

Prince P.O.V

I have been wondering for a long time about my parents. My friends parents live together,sleep together and have fun together . My parents don't they never make contact with each other and it makes me sad sometimes. My dad always talks to Blue alone and it makes me jealous sometimes because he never tells me what he says . When I tell mom she gets upset and starts crying which makes me mad because I could never stop her from crying. I really want to know why mommy and daddy aren't together maybe Daddy can make mommy stop crying .I know daddy has Janee' and every time she is upset Daddy makes her feel better so why cant he help mommy to ? I mean Janee' is a mean person and she always complains when I play with Shawn. Its like she hates that I am around her as if I am some mistake in her eyes. She makes mommy sad to because Blue just told mommy that Janee' and daddy are getting married and mommy ran upstairs . I can hear her crying from outside her door but I am scared to go in there . You know what I need to be a man and go make my mommy feel better . I opened the door and my mom was in the corner crying.

"Mommy are you okay?" I said walking over to her

"Um mommy is okay she just hit her hand and it hurt ." Mommy said lying

"Mommy how come you and daddy don't talk ? I mean when Janee' hurt her self Daddy helps her. Why don't you ask Daddy to fix it?" I asked

"Baby me and your daddy aren't together anymore." Mommy said holding me

"Why ? Is it my fault?" I said wanting to cry

"No No baby .. Daddy just broke some promises and it hurt so we arent together." Mommy said crying

"He broke a pinky promise ?" I said getting upset

"Yes but its okay .. We are happy either way." Mommy said with a small smile

"It is not okay Mommy . He hurt you and I never want to talk to him again !" I said marching out

"PRINCE!" mommy said running after me

"No mommy he lied and I don't like liars." I said going into my room

For now on I don't want to see , look or even talk to my daddy. he hurt my mommy and broke a promise which mommy said is lying and lying isn't nice. He is no longer my daddy he is just a liar.

Okay so that was the little sneak peak which might be altered and edited because its not the best yet but .. Comment below if you would want to see a sequel to this story if I was to write it like this .. Yes this is just a part that has to do with Jayonce but I will have them in school and the problems they face so don't worry about that .. This story is about Prince and Blue and Jay and Bey just so happen to be there parents so yeah .. Comment what you think and if I get more yes then no's I will do a sequel if not I will just start another story <33 So comment below the comments decide whether this story goes on or not <33

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