Love On Top ↑♥

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Beyonce P.O.V

It has been a couple months since the whole revel and Rihanna thing. I am pretty much over it all the way because she just a ugly bitch trying to be with my man . Anyways I canceled the whole Pulse thing because i HATE the smell know that I am pregnant and it makes me throw up . Oh and I am 5 and a half  months pregnant if you didn't know already . My life is still hectic but I try to stay inside because I am getting pretty big . I stay at home and edit the Revel concert its pretty much done and over with . The VMAs are tomorrow and I am suppose to preform and so is Jay but I don't know if I can go .Once I get on that stage everyone will see that I am pregnant .

"What are you doing ?" Jay asked walking into the bathroom

" Looking at my baby bump ." I answered

"Its so cute i cant believe there's a mini me in there ." he said smiling

"Or a mini me we don't know ." I said back

"We will in a couple weeks." He said

"Yea but Bae look how big I am . How am I suppose to preform looking like this?" I asked

"You look beautiful your just pregnant ." he answered

"Exactly they don't know that yet."

"Tell them then ."

"How ?" I asked

"Umm twitter?" He answered

"Hell No ! " i said

"Red carpet ?" he asked

"Maybe I will see." He answered

"Can we go to bed know ? We have sound check and stuff in the morning." He asked

"Come on."

I pulled my shirt down and walked to the bed and layed down . I thought and thought about it then i figured out exactly what I was going to do .  My little plum plum is doing to make its debut tomorrow . The world is not going to be ready . 

Jay P.O.V

"Jay Jay wake up baby ." Beyonce said shaking me

"Uhh whats wrong?" I yawned

"I am really horney right now." She said

"What time is it?" I yelled

"Umm 4:15 ." she said

"Are you really waking me up at 4 in the morning because you horney?" I yelled

"You told me that if i was tell you so I told you and you have to fix it." She said

"I didn't mean at 4 in the morning ."

"You promise you would never say no !" she said

" What do you want me to do ?" i said getting up

"shit i don't know .. fuck me , eat me out i don't really give a damn." she said yelling a little

"Your lucky I love you." I said

This girl is out of her damn mind . I am okay with getting her crazy food and stuff in the middle of the night but fucking her really ? That is a hour of sleep i can be having but no i have to please my wife . I guess I have to a promise is a promise .

Beyonce P.O.V

I am so happy Jay agreed to do this because I have been up for 45 minutes trying to calm myself down and he the only one that can do it . He started to kiss and suck on my neck making me moan . Then he slowly started kissing me all the way down . He kiss both of my thighs and then he kissed my klit . He came back up and started kissing me as he put 2 fingers in me making me gasp and moan . He went slow and then added another finger while kissing me neck . He went back down on me and finger fucked me  while licking and sucking kilt . After about 10 min i felt my body tense up and i came . Jay being who he is licked it all up and then kissed me .

The Struggles Of Jayonce !♥[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now