I Love You Wifey <3

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Jay P.O.V

Latoya:"So what does it say?"

Jay:"Wait before i tell you is there any one else that can be the father because i don't want you alone?"

Latoya:" Yes my ex boyfriend he should be here in 10 min for his results ."

Jay:"oh okay ..well i hope you and your ex and the baby the best because its not mine. ."

Latoya:*looks down* "oh I'm sorry for putting you and your wife through all this ."

Jay:"its okay you weren't sure .....

Latoya:*interrupting* "No its not okay i messed up your relationship over a baby that's not yours . and i made you stay up all night worried sick for a baby that isn't yours i fell so bad Jay ." *crying*

Jay:*gets up and goes to hug Latoya*

Beyonce P.O.V

I got me and Jays food and i went upstairs to the room . I peeked into the room to see what was happening i didn't want to interrupt if something was going on . Then i look and i say Latoya crying a jay hugging her as if she was me . That got me a little heated but i let it go then he started to talk .

Jay:"Its okay Latoya i cheated on my wife with you because I needed you and you just needed me and so i am going to be here for you until the end ...

what is wrong with this nigga i was always here for him . And he knows i have to work but i always made time for his cheating ass .. he works too so he should understand that is no excuse to be with that dirty hoe .

Latoya:"Thank you Jay but i cant let you do this ."

Jay:No buts im going to be here if you need anything i dont care what it is just call me or come over and i will be there ."

Latoya:"but Jay your wife."

Damn right he does ..

Jay:"What about her she wasn't there when i needed her .. you were... being wifey when she was being BEYONCE ..

Latoya:"i really do love you Jay more then anything."

*jay leans in and gives Latoya and peck*

Jay:"i love you too Latoya."

*jay kisses Latoya and then tongues her down*

Are you fucking kidding i love this man with all my heart and here he is cheating on me . Not just cheating but about to make LOVE to this girl . I cant believe him I'm so mad but hurt . Why does this always happen too me i don't deserve this bullshit . She can never do for him what i can ..and what i have already done but i guess he doesn't care.

*beyonce looks back at them and notice that Jay sees her *

Jay P.O.V

*jays sees beyonce*

Jay:"Latoya i have to run i will call you in the morning."

*jay gets up and walks away*

As soon as I got up I seen Beyonce leaving . I knew she seen the kiss because she was crying i hope she didn't see everything because then there really will be hell to pay.

*Jay chased Beyonce to the drive way*


Bey:*stops* "What the hell do you want Jay ? *crying*

Jay:" For you to talk too me ."

Bey:"What is there to talk about Jay you don't love me .. that's all ."

Jay:"beyonce i do love you i wouldn't have married you if i didn't."

Bey:"Last time i checked you was just telling you baby mama that you love her and she more like a wife then me so no you don't love me . "

Jay: "but beyonce you are my wife and you know I love you ."

Bey:"Well i dont love you no more and your not going to be my husband for long because im done ."

*beyonce got into her car and drove off *

Words Of The Author

So do you think Latoya will be the end of Jayonce . He did say he loved her and wont let her go and he don't care about Beyonce.. What kind of husband ? But yeah sorry this isn't a long update i have school in the morning. I will try to update tomorrow or have a long update the day after but thanks for everyone that supports me <3 comment what you think down low <3 Follow me on




PS: Thanks for 1.8k reads <33

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