Surprise Surprise <3

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Beyonce P.O.V

*laying on the coach crying *

I cant believe he had the nerve to say at least she wanted to have my baby . I do one day want to have his baby but he been pressuring me for a long time and just when i was ready he has about bi*ch pregnant . Then he mad that i let Justin eat me out he lucky i didn't just go all the way like i wanted too . but no i had to go to the hospital and make sure his dumb a$$ was okay .. but why call me and not his baby mama he obviously loves her way more then me .. that groupie hoe .. messing up my relationship .. UHHH !

*Then crys herself to sleep*

Jay P.O.V

*at kanyes house *

Kanye : "Man you was wrong so what she did one thing at least they didnt f*ck."

Jay: " she still cheated man ."

Kanye:"Jay you are about to end up getting a divorce because of this sh*t man . Do you want to be a single rich n*qqa fu*king groupie thots all your life ?

Jay :"Na man ."

Kanye:"then you need to go talk to your wife before that happens ."

Jay:"ii man i will tomorrow so she can cool down . Can i stay here for the night tho ?"

Kanye:"yeah man why not . you can sleep in any guest room you want."

Jay:"Thanks man ."

*jay makes a couple of call's then goes to bed*

*The Next Day At Beyonce House*

Beyonce P.O.V

Someone was in my house and i didn't know who . The person woke me up from my sleep i could hear them walking closer and closer . I got scared usually Jay would handle something like this but he is not here .

*door open's and bey sees that its Jay *


Jay:" I'm sorry Bey Bey i just wanted to talk to you ."

OMG i loved when he called me Bey Bey but i couldn't show him that even though i wanted to smile so bad .

Bey:" Don't call me Bey Bey anymore . and about what i have nothing to say to you ?"

Jay :"Bey Bey"

*beyonce gave him that don't say that look*

Jay: "I mean Beyonce please i love you and yesterday everything you said kept playing over and over in my head . i love you so much i couldn't imagine anyone else being my wife beyonce please forgive me ."

Bey:"Jay i love you too but I don't trust you anymore ."

Jay:"I understand that its going to take alot for you to trust me again but i don't mind putting in the work just please tell me we can work on it . Beyonce please give me one day and i will prove to you how much i love you ."

Bey: "UM ...."

*Jay looks at beyonce and pouts *

Jay:"please Bey Bey ."

OMG that face and those eyes .. uh he always gets with that no matter what he does his eyes get me to believe him and i don't know why .

Bey:"OK Jay one day ."

Jay:"That's all i need . now go get ready we have a long day ."

*Beyonce gets ready and Jay sits and waits*

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