Forgive Me?

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Beyonce P.O.V

*Still on the phone with Jay*

Jay: What happened?

Beyonce:Long version or short version?

Jay: I have time Beyonce tell me everything.

Beyonce: Okay ..


I am back stage at my concert its the second to last day . I am tired because I been doing 4 shows each night . I give my all during each show and I am fine but when I get off stage I just fall out most of the time but tonight was different.

Ty: Sasha are you ready?

Beyonce: When am I not ready?

Ty: You better GO SLAY FOR THE GODS !

Beyonce: Trust me I will .

I walk onto the stage and this is my third show of the day . I feel amazing I had 1 shot which got me hype . The fans are screaming and yelling. 

Beyonce: 1-2-3-4

The music for crazy in love came on and I went crazy ! I twerked harder then I ever had . When I tell you I went the FUCK off I did . The fans went CRAZY !

1 Hour and 45 min late*

Beyonce: All my single ladies PUT YOUR HANDS UP!

I started to feel dizzy I think the drink was getting to me know . I went and finshed the song and all that good stuff . I went back stage and everyone was cheering and laughing and happy. I guess I did good .

Ty P.O.V

Ty: Beyonce you did that shit ..

Beyonce: ...

Beyonce looked pale and sick like she was about to die . She has been getting sick but it was the stomach flew but she looks worse now . She hasnt been taking her medicine she been too busy.

Ty: Are you okay ?

Beyonce:*Falls out*

I called 911 and 10 minutes later they were here . I hope beyonce is okay.

Beyonce P.O.V

I woke up in the hospital slightly confused on what happen . All i remeber is Ty and everyone telling me how much i slayed the preformance .

??: Mrs.Carter are you okay?

Beyonce: Yes I just feel tierd .

Doctor: Your were dehydrated and .....

Flashback ends *

Jay P.O.V

Jay: Beyonce you have to stop working so hard.

Mathew: Dont tell her to do no shit like that .

Jay: shut the fuck up I will tell MY WIFE how I feel because I actually care about her well being.

Beyonce: Jay I have done this before with no problem its just 2 days over a week thats nothing.

Jay: Beyonce I am sorry to bring this up but your body is still healing from what happened .

Beyonce:*crying* I know Jay but I wish I could take it back ... act like it never happened and maybe one day I will forget it.

Jay: I understand. . being in jail has me thinking about a lot of things . I did so much to hurt you Beyonce without realizing how much pain it put you through . I am sorry and when I get out of here I will make it up too you .

Beyonce: Its okay Jay I love you and at the end of the day we both fucked up more then once. 

Mathew: Hell yeah you hurt my daughter .. and when I  get out I am killing you..

Jay: I love you too .. but what happened to make you fall out.

Beyonce: me not eating right gave me a stomach bug and something else but it nothing I cant handle.

Jay: you sure Beyonce . I need my wife alive when I get out .

Beyonce: I am sure and how is jail?

Jay: you know I am HOVA it aint nuthing . My ceil buddy is an ass though.

Beyonce: Why ?

Jay: He bugs me about my relationship.  How I am not a man and all that bullshit and I have to knock him out a couple times a day.

Beyonce: Sounds like my dad.

Jay: It is ..

Beyonce: oh no baby . I am so sorry you have to deal witb him .

Jay: its okay .

*they talk all night about secrets and decided to forgive each other for everything*

Beyonce P.O.V

I love Jay and fogive him for everything but when we startes talking about jail and the reason he is there I cut him off. I couls nevee forgive him for trying to shoot me. That is one reason why we cant be together the other one is because I am keeping a huge secret that I dont want to tell him . So he must stay in jail for a little while because I am NOT ready to tell him yet.

Word of The Author :

if you have ANY questions to ask the characters in the story I will answer them in the comments as long as it doesn't give up the story I will answer it..

Beyonce has a secret? what do you guys think it is ? cheating , married , what .. anyways thanks for ALL the feedback and stuff.. I know the updatea are boring now but they will get better I promise ... next update things are going to start happening.So HOLLA ! OH follow me on ..

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