Rest Of Flashback From Hell <33

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Beyonce P.O.V

Just talking about what happened that day made me feel depressed and hurt. That one day was causing so many problems in my life right now. My man might be having a baby with another bitch and I sat here being vulnerable with him as if we are great in our relationship. Everything was going around in my mind and I didn't know how to control it. 

As I was thinking hard I seen Jay going to the closet and getting a blanket. Then he went to the couch and laid down. My mind wanted to let him stay there but my heart needed some comforting and he was the only one that could bring me peace. 

"Jay."I said softly.

"Yea Bey."He answered back. 

"Can you please sleep with me tonight?"I asked 

He got up slowly and walked over to me. 

"Are you sure?"He said looking in my eyes

"Please, I need you."I pleaded. 

He nodes his head before getting into the bed with me. At first he kept his distance but then he pulled me into his chest, and held me like never before. 

"Good night Bey, I love you."He said before kissing my forehead. 

"Good night Jay, I love you too."I said smiling. 

With that I relaxed in his arms and went to sleep peacefully. 


I slowly woke up feeling nicely rested. Its been a while since I've been able to sleep that well. I turned around expecting to see Jay but he wasn't there. 

"Jay?"I yelled out assuming that maybe he was in the shower. 

I heard nothing, I went downstairs to the kitchen hoping he was there. But there wasn't anything but a note on the counter. I opened the note, and read it. 

Good Morning Bey. I left out a little early to handle some business to insure your safety. Don't worry about me, I left my card with you and your girls are coming over at noon. You can go get some breakfast and go shopping if you want to, its all on me baby. Have fun, and Ill take you for dinner tonight. I love you, remember that. 


Reading the note made me smile, because he could be so sweet sometimes. The only thing that wasn't settling right with me is when he said he was going to be keeping me safe. What does he mean by that? I would say that I'm already safe because he always protects me. Anyways, I went over to my closet to figure out what to wear when I seen that the safe was opened.

I went to look inside wondering what he took out when I notice that our gun is gone. In that moment I panicked and went to get my phone to call him. The phone rang a couple times before he picked up. 

"Hey baby, wassup?"He said in his calm sexy voice

"Our gun is gone. Someone stole our gun, you need to get here quick! Baby someone might be this house?"I panicked just to see his response. 

"Baby calm down, I have the gun. Did you not read the note?"He chuckled out. 

"Wait why do you need it?"I said confused. 

"I have the gun I have some business, I need to take care of."He responded. 

"What business?"I asked. 

"Some ex business, I'll call you later babe. Have fun shopping."He said before hanging up the phone. 

Words of the Author

Hey everyone sorry this update is boring and short . It was suppose to be part of Flashback From Hell but somehow it got cut off and I just noticed it . Its my fault so there will be a update tomorrow and way more interesting . But what do you think Jay means by ex business ? Comment below ! Follow me on

Instagram : @behive4life

Twitter : @behive4life

Kik : behive4life

Thanks to everyone reading and the support <3

[Edited: January 21,2018]

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