The Wind Before The Storm !♥

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Jay-Z P.O.V

"A baby Shawn, A FUCKING BABY." She yelled standing up. 

Oh damn. Why did I have to get my black ass in the shower. Uh. I looked down to see my phone moved, wait did I move it? I know she wouldnt check my messages, so what is really going on with shawty. 

"Bey, what are you talking about?" I asked acting confused. 

"You're baby mama." She said before grabbing my phone and throwing it at me. 

Shit, she really checked my phone. I thought she trusted me, wow. Where is the bond I thought we had? Bitch tripping. 

"Look at it." She yelled. 

I unlocked my phone, and realized that she knew about the baby. What the hell am I going to do now? Do I work this our or go see Latoya? Can I even fix this? 

I looked up, to see Beyonce gone. Shit, I'm to old for this shit. 

Beyonce P.O.V

I can't believe that big lipped bastard would do me like this. Why would he fuck that hoe when he could be with a bad bitch like me? I fuck him or the regular and  I know its good the way he be moaning. So, why would he just go out and cheat on me like that? I loved him, and gave him my everything. I dont deserve this shit, I can do better.  Him and his little slut can have each other because I'm done. 

But now that I think about it, where am I going to go? We live together, I dont have anywhere else to realy go. Should I go to a hotel or my moms house? Nope, a hotel will cause more drama in the media and  I dont want to hear my mom birth. I guess, I can call up Solo she wont judge me. Right?

"Hello?" Solange said over the phone. 

"Hey Solo, can I come over and stay the night?" I asked. 

"Um, i guess. Is everything okay?" She questions obviously concerned.

"Im fine, I just really miss you."  I said half lying. I did miss her, but that obviously wasnt the reason I wanted to go to her house. 

"What ever you say Bey." She said, I could tell she didnt believe me. 

"Alright bye, Ill see you soon."

With that I hung up the phone, grabbed my emergency bad and left the house. Solange didnt live very far, which was great since I was tired and upset. The whole ride there I just couldnt stop thinking about him being with that bitch. I dont even know the girl, but I hate her and him. Usually Im down for only blaming the man, but that bitch knew we were together and she fucked him still. Stupid bitch. 

Anyways, before I knew it I was pulling into Solange gargarage. I turned the car off, and just sat and took a couple deep breathes. I had to put my game face on. After 5 mintues, I finally grabbed my stuff and got out the car. I went to her door, rung the door belll and seconds later she opened the door. After a 10 minutes ride I pulled up into Solannge garage. I got out my car and knocked on her door and after a couple seconds she opened it.

We wennt into her living room and said quick hellos and everything. I then went into the guest room and got more settled in. I showered and put on some pajamas, because we decided to just have some wine and talk as sister. 

When I got downstairs Solanage had the wine and some food already prepared for us. It sort of riminded me of Jay and how he use to cook for me sometimes when I worked late for tours. It made me so happy to know that he cared about me. But I guess that was all a lie. 

"Hey Solo." I said 

"Hey, so are you ready to tell me what really happened." She said looking me in the eye. 

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