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Oh thanks for 11.3k reads! You guys are really reading my story ! Lmfaoo would have never thought this many people would read it but anyways .. the story is ↓↓↓↓↓

Jay P.O.V

I didn't do anything I just stayed  quite. I didn't know how they found us where in the middle of no where.

Cops: Open the door or we will have no other choice but to break in.

When they said that I ran upstairs hoping Beyonce planned for this.

Jay:*shaking beyonce* Beyonce wake up!

Beyonce: what Jay?

Jay: The cops are here .

Beyonce: Are you fucking kidding me ? waking me up over some stupid shit .

Jay: Do you not remember ? We are on the run ..

Beyonce: I fixed it ...

Jay: How?

Beyonce: I payed for all the Beyhive damage and stuff..

Jay: I still murdered someone .

Beyonce: Thats your problem.

Jay: wow ..


Cop: Why didnt you just open the door?

Jay: Ummm...

Cops: We have to give you release papers from jail.

Jay: Wait I dont have to go back?

Cop:No the video shows that it was self defense and the judge found you not guilty.

Jay: cool *signed the paper*

Cops: Have a great day and sorry about your door should have opened it .

Jay: its cool .

*The cops left*

I went back to the room to see my wife sleeping. I was mad at her for just leaving me hanging but its over . I got in the bed a cuddled up and I soon feel asleep .

Beyonce P.O.V

I just woke up and Jay is still sleep next to me . I quickly got up and went to the bathroom . I brushed my teeth , washed my face and all that good stuff . Then I went down stairs at made some breakfast . When I finished I brought it upstairs and Jay was still sleep .

Beyonce: Jay wake up ..


He wouldn't wake up so I put the plate on the night stand and started bouncing on him ..

Beyonce: Jay!

Jay: huh what?

Beyonce: *still bouncing on Jay* Wake up !

Jay: Beyonce if you want to ride Jr all you have to do is ask ?

Beyonce: NO ! I was trying to wake you up I made breakfast.

Jay: Wait you cooked?

Beyonce: Yea !

Jay: Um im not hungry anymore ...

Beyonce: Jay my mom taught me how to cook !

Jay: when ?

Beyonce: When you was in jail and I found out I was pregnant the 2nd time .

Jay: Wait so your mom knew before me ?

Beyonce: Yeah my whole family knows ...

Jay: Wow Bey ...

The Struggles Of Jayonce !♥[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now