Stupid For Trusting You ?♥

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Jay P.O.V

Jay: What the fuck Solange?

Solange:*crying* I thought you where different Jay . I thought I could TRUST you but your just another nigga !

Jay: You can trust me .

Solange: I thought you would NEVER break your promise. You broke my sisters heart . I thought maybe just maybe there is ONE nigga in this world that can keep there SHIT in there PANTS just like Daniel and my DAD !I feel so FUCKING stupid for trusting you

Jay:I didn't cheat on Beyonce again . I would never do that to my son or daughter and I hate to see Beyonce hurt. I am not like your father or Daniel. 

Solange: I don't beileve you .. pass me your fucking phone...

Jay:*passes the phone*

Solange: Who the fuck is Sarah and why is she still texting you ?

Jay: She is a girl from the jewelry store.

Solange: This hoe just text you saying "Can't wait to see you tommrow I got some more things to show you Daddy ;)." What the fuck Jay .. If your going to lie make up some good SHIT !

Jay: I can explain .

Solange: Hurry the fuck up because I can really KILL YOU RIGHT NOW !

Jay: Okay first .. I wasn't home because I had to go get Beyonce a charm braclate. that's why she said I payed alot for the braclate and the charm. The reason she calls me Daddy is because what ever her customer come  to her to get is what she calls them . I went to get a daddy mother charm braclate for the baby . I am going tomorrow to go pick out another charm braclate and some charms for you . she had to get new new to show me for tommrow . I am not cheating on Beyonce. You have to believe me Solange.

Solange: Jay I believe you . I am sorry for punching you in your face bro . Its just th-

Jay: I know its okay . I know you are very emotional after today and your protective over Beyonce but I promise I will never hurt you , beyonce or my baby .

Solange: Dont make promises you cant keep.

Jay: I promise I will keep that promise.  I just have to get Beyonce to forgive me . Can I stop by tomorrow she probably sleep now.

Solange: Oh about that she is at Justins house.


Solange: She needed to talk to him she said .

Jay:*gets his car keys*

Solange: where you going?

Jay: To get my wife.

Solange: I will go with you .

Jay: Just hurry the hell up ans get in the car.

Solange: I know your pissed BUT DONT TAKE THAT SHIT OUT ON ME !

*they drive to Justin house*

Beyonce P.O.V

I went to see Justin because at this moment he is the only man that didn't lie to me . I also needed to talk to him because I wanted to know somthings.

Beyonce: Justin am I ugly or have a bad body or somthing?

Justin: No beyonce your beautiful and your body is beyond amazing .

Beyonce:*cries* Then why do I always get cheated on?

Justin: Beyonce I am so sorry for cheating on you . Its just that i thought you were to good for me and I didn't want to get to attached becaus I knew you would end things with me.

Beyonce: I understand that. I also wasnt giving you what you needed .but I gave him everything and he cheats on me again?

Justin: Come here .

Beyonce:*gets closer to justin*

Justin:*hugs her* Beyonce you deserve someone so much better then him . All he has done was use you ans hurt you . Your a beautiful , strong women you can get any man you really want .

Beyonce: Really? *looks at him in his eyes*

Justin: Yes Beyonce. 

*they look at each other in the eyes*

Justin:*kisses Beyonce*

??: *banging on the door* Open this FUCKING DOOR !

Who can be at the door banging like that. At this time of night it better not be the police or I am out . shit im not going to jail pregnant.

Justin: Who the fuck ? *goes to open the door*

Jay: *punches the SHIT out of Justin*

Beyonce: What the FUCK JAY !


Beyonce: last time I check im GROWN and I dont have to listen to you ?

Jay: For as long as your carrying my baby you do .

Justin : Bro thats not your baby ..

Jay: Is that true Beyonce ?


Words of The Author:

I am so sorry for not updating like I am suppose to but im trying to get ahead of chapers . I am starting to get my ideas for my next story im doing in the summer . Information will be oht soon I promise !♥ I hope it does good like this one but yeah . anyways is that jay baby or na ? TIME TO CALL MAURY .. lmfaoo ! anyways yea Jay and Solange ..  ? They have a very strange relationship I must say !I did NOT spell check at all ! okay you guys and sorry the update isnt long . I wasnt planing on updating but i started to feel bad so yeah !♥ Follow me on ...

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Twitter: @behive4life

Kik: behive4life

-thanks for 5.4k it REALLY means a lot to me !♥

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