My Wife ?

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Jays P.O.V

I looked to my left to see a sleeping, naked Latoya. I really can't believe I had sex with her again. That wasn't the plan, I was supposed to just make sure she was pregnant but she was just so fucking persistent. Once, she had her lips on my dick, everything else was a blur. But, it was a mistake,  I want to be with Beyonce. She is the love of my life man.

I need to get out of here and quick. I slowly moved Latoya off of me hopeing not to wake her up, and then I looked around for my clothes. When I found them,  I put them shits on real quick

"Bae, where are you going?" Latoya sighed. Her voice sounded manly af when she wakes up and she look crazy. 

"Im sorry, but I have to leave because I have to get to the studio early." I lied. 

"Babe, no dont go." She pleaded in that still ugly voice. 

"Dont worry, Ill come back tommrow and make sure you and my baby are okay." I said trying to pursuade her.

"Well let me walk you out bae." She said getting up and putting a shirt on. 

We walked downstairs, and I opened the door about to leace before she pulled me back in. 

"Bye babe, I love you." She said going in for a kiss. 

I kissed her back before saying "i love you too". But she pulled me back into the kiss and me being stupid ass fuck kissed back. We started having a full on makeout session and I just knew we were about to fuck again. 

"Oh hell no, you really went back and fucked this hoe." I heard. 

I broke the kiss, and looked over to see Solanage and Beyonce looking pissed af. Wait why the fuck are they here? And how did they know that  I was going to be here or where shawty even lived? Ive never seen Beyonce as this type of girl, to do pop up. Shit it must have been Solange idea. Always in our fucking buisness when she need to be worried about her own man. But that doesnt matter, I need to go after my wife. 

Beyoncé P.O.V

As soon as I seen Shawn kissing that bitch, I ran out of anger and sadness. The lord knows I wanted to beat both of there ass but I had too much respect for myself. I knew my mom would beat my ass for hitting a pregnant women,and the media would have a field day. It just hurt so much to know he would do this to me. I get if it was a one time mistake, but you did it again. And he told her that he loved her, I thought I was the love of his life. Why did I waste my time on him? The media was right, you can change a fuckboy. 

"Beyonce can we just talk about this?"I heard. 

I turned around to see Jay running after me. Shit, now he want to act like he gives a fuck. 

"What do you want Jay? What can you possibly want?"I yelled.

"I want us to work this out, so that we can continue to build together. I love you, I need you Bey." He said grabbing my hand trying to confort me. 

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME!" I yelled, pulling my hard away from him. 

"Come on Bey, you still my wife. We need to work this out." He said with a little bit of anger in his voice. Fuck he angry for?

"I want a fucking divorce Jay."I yelled.

"Wait what?" He said speechless. 

"I dont love you anymore, I never did. I WANT a dovioce, so go be with your bitch." I said lying. 

As soon as I said that Solange pulled up in the car. Before Jay could even respond, I jumped in the car and closed the door waiting for Solange to pull off. Before we did she yelled "YOU MIGHT WANT TO GET YOUR BITCH, SHE WILL BE NEEDING A  HOSPITAL SOON!" and then pulled off. 

Jay-Z P.O.V

Shit, Solange is so fukcing stupid. I ran back to Latoya house to see her on the floor, unconsince with blood all over her face. I didnt seem like she had too many wonds by her belly, but this is still fucked up. 

I called the ambulance, and they got here pretty quickly which I appriated a lot. When they came, I told them keep the names annonomous because  I didnt need this all over the news. When we got to the hospital they rolled her away to to the back and I was stuck in the wiating room. I really just needed to make sure the baby was okay, so I can see if it was mine. 

Maybe an hour later a doctor finally came. 

"Mr.Carter." The doctor said walking toward me. 

I stood up and said "Yes, is that baby okay?" 

He gave me a unsure look before saying "I hate to break it to you but.." 

"But what?" I said getting unpatient with the damn doctor.

Words of the Author ♥

This was a short chapter but what do you guys think ? is it good or na? Im still working on my writting skills because I dont have much but still !♡ thanks to everyone for the support !♥

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love you guys again! ♥

[Edited October 20,2016]

Hey guys, this chapter is edited finally. Again, Im not editing the context of the chapter ebcause I wanted to keep the plot. Its not the best, and its complex but its my history and I dont want to lose that. So, I just did some spell check, and fixed some of the format because before it was horrible and I hated it. But much love guys, Im slowly but surly getting this done. 

The Struggles Of Jayonce !♥[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now