Questions From Hell !♥

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Beyonce P.O.V

I woke up and started to get dress i didnt care if Jay stayed here but I had to be get to this interview and i was missing it . I couldnt be late either because it was with Oprah and one thing that i know is to never be late for the Oprah show . I hooped into the shower . When i went downstairs my dress was there and i was happy because I got my dress sent here and sometimes that can take forever .  it was black sparkly simple dress . It made me look really flat but thats what i needed . I dont want anyone knowing i am pregnant not yet because to much is going on . I put my dress on and did my make up . I had no idea what to do with my hair it was flat but too flat . I went upstairs and Jay was up staring at me .

Jay: So you wasnt going to wake me up?

Beyonce: I didnt have time to wake you up .

Jay: Oh wow are you ready to go because I am going like this .

Beyonce: Do you see my hair ?

Jay: Yes its straight whats the problem?

Beyonce: Its too straight i dont know what to do with it ?

Jay: Put half of it up and leave the other half down.

Beyonce: Really?

Jay: Beyonce you asked for my help .. Just try it .

I tried it and he was right it looked perfect . i cant believe my man knows more about hair then me .

Beyonce: Its perfect Jay ..

Jay: Told you bae .

Beyonce: Okay lets go we only have 1 hour to get there and there might be trafific .

Jay: Okay while your doing the interview there going to drive me to the house .. Okay?

Beyonce: Okay cool .

We got into the car and i got to Oprahs studio with 10 min to spare and to just calm down . I was a little nervous because i know she was going to ask me personal questions and i am not sure if i am ready yet . My phone buzzed and i didnt know who it could be . I looked at it and it was Jay

The King ♡:I know your nervous but i promise you that there is nothing you have to worry about .

The Queen♥: Jay i dont think i can do this ..

The King♡: Beyonce you can preform in front of millions but you cant talk to oprah in front of 30 people stop ..

The Queen♥: Thats all Sasha ..

The King♡: Beyonce dont even try that shit .. I seen Sasha off the stage ..

The Queen♥: I am just scared ..

The King♡: Do you remember when you first went on stage as Beyonce without Destiny Child and you were so scared..

The Queen♥: Yes I was terrified ..

The King♡: Exactly and I was there for  you the whole time ..

The Queen♥: yes but your not here with me today ..

The King♡: Have a great time hun! Its Oprah ! ;)

*End of texting convo*

I put my phone down and fix my hair and stuff so I wouldnt look bad going on stage . Then the producer of the show told me come on because there were about to leave break .I ran to the stage a waited then I heard Run the world playing so I walked on stage and smiled . waving at the fans then I seen Oprah standing in front of chairs smiling.  I walked to her and she gave me a hug which made me a little less nervous.

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