The End Of The Struggle!♥

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Jay P.O.V

Its been 3 days in this hospital and we can finally go home . It has been good but there is nothing like being at home in my own space. The paparazzi has been good they  have been outside but no one has tried to get onto our floor or anything . Bey is getting the hang on the breastfeeding and stuff even though she complained a lot about it in the beginning.

"Jay is everything packed up?" Bey asked

"Yes babe we just have to sign the release papers." I answered

"Alright can you get them for me?" Bey asked getting up

"Yeah ." I said walking out the room

I got the papers and Beyonce signed them of course and now we can go home and be a family . I just hope the paparazzi will leave so we can get out without any pictures being taken . I mean Beyonce doesn't want people to see her because she thinks she is "fat" and now she doesn't have the excuse of being pregnant anymore . I keep telling her that she cant lose her baby weight t in 3 days like she gained 60 pounds. You cant just lose 60 pounds in 3 day but she did lose about 25 pounds and stuff which is good .

"Im ready Jay." Bey said

"Wait Mrs.Knowles you have to be escorted out in a wheel chair." Amanda our nurse said

"Why I can walk fine?" Bey questioned

"I don't know its just procedure we cant let you walk out." Amanda said

"Just sit in the chair girl so we can get out of here." Ms.Tina said

"Alright Alright1" Beyonce said sitting in the chair

I picked up both car seats which were a little heavy but I knew I could carry both of them . Solange wheeled Beyonce out and Kelly and Ty carried some bags which was a huge help . There was a couple paparazzi cars outside which was really annoying .

"Do they have to follow us every fucking were ?" Beyonce yelled annoyed

"Babe calm down we can go threw the back." I said trying to calm her down

"I know but that shit is annoying . I want to just take my kids out to see the world in peace but no I cant do that because they want a fucking picture!" Beyonce said still upset

"Bae its alright . They still get to go out in the world with peace we just have to do it a different way. They are sleep anyways they wont remember so don't worry about it " I said

"I guess !" Beyonce said still a little annoyes

We finally got outside and we all got into the van that I brought Beyonce . It has a lot of seats so we can all fit and its bullet proof and all that good secretive stuff. After we all got into the car I decided I wanted to drive my kids home instead of a driver . We started to drive and everyone was talking about the babies and then Beyonce looked out the window ,

"Bae you missed a left?" Beyonce said

"No I didn't ." I said

"Um yes you did you was suppose to make a left but you made a right." Beyonce said confused

"No I was suppose to make a right not a left." I said still driving

"Jay I know where I live your going into the woods . Why?" Beyonce said confused

"Werd I didn't sign up to go camping !" Ty yelled

"Exactly.. I know you guys want to act like you white because you got money but black [people dont do the woods..." Angie said

"And its suppose to rain today . I am not trying to get my weave wet in the woods. I just got it done!" Kelly said in the back

"Calm down we are not going to the woods!" I said raising my voice a little

The Struggles Of Jayonce !♥[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now