A BIG Mistake <3

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Okay before you guys read I was wondering would you guys mind if I started another story .. yes I will update this story every other day like normal but just have another story? or are you guys okay with just this story because I have 3 other stories I am starting to write and I dont know ? comment below .. OKAY AND NOW THE STORY !♥

Beyonce P.O.V

I was in my bed just crying thinking about what the doctor told me . My whole life is going to change and I dont think I am ready right now . I am not emotionally stable for any of this . Why is god doing this to me? I dont even have my husband right now to hold me . I really miss his touch and warmth but I am just scared for what the future has in store for me .

TIna:*knock on the door* : Beyonce can i come in?

Beyonce:*sniff* Yeah..

Tina:*comes in* Beyonce whats wrong?

Beyonce: Nothing mom .

Tina: Beyonce Giselle Knowles you better stop lying to me .

Beyonce:okay i miss him but i know he wants nothing to do with me .

Tina: Did you talk to him?

Beyonce: Yes a couple of min ago and he says be misses me .

Tina: Beyonce why don't you go and see him and hear him out .

Beyonce: But mom he tried to kill me ...

Tina: I understand trust me I do ... I have beem through hell and back with your father but I didnt want to end it until I was sure .. are you sure you can live without jay?

Beyonce: physically yes I can but emotionally I dont think so .. I love him SO much ..

Tina:Then go see him and hear what he has to say .. there is 2 sides to each story Beyonce.

Beyonce: Okay ..

Tina: Now go get some sleep .

Beyonce: Thanks mom .

Tina:*hugs beyonce and goes*

*Next morning*

I woke up exited , nervous everything . I cant wait to see Jay because i miss him but on the other hand i dont know how i am going to react to him because of everything . Just thinking about it gives me a headache . I got in the shower and put on a orange peplum dress and i curled my hair really tight because i had an interview with Piers Morgan right after i leave with Jay

*Beyonce goes to the jail*

Guard: Who are you here to see?

Beyonce: I am here to bail my husband Shawn Carter out

Guard: Beyonce?

Beyonce: Yes can you keep it down i dont want to start anything .

Guard: I will be right back .

Beyonce: okay take your time .

Officer: We are sorry Mrs.Carter but we can not let your husband out .

Beyonce: Why cant you? They dont have any hard evidence .

Ofiicer: The way his past history and his song are enough proof to show that he would do somthing like this.

Beyonce: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME ? Its music that's not evidence..!

Ofiicer: I am going to need you to keep your voice down.

Beyonce: Oh hell no .. Can i at least see him?

Ofiicer: no we are sorry mam but again with his past and him being famous we are not allowed to.

The Struggles Of Jayonce !♥[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now