Listen !♥

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Jay P.O.V

Mathew: Get any closer to my daughter and you will die.

I wasn't scared but Tina told me to go because she going to handel it . I don't know how and I didn't care I just need Beyonce and my kid to be safe.I ran to Beyonce without hesitation.

Matthew: Say your last words Jay .

*gets to Beyonce and un ties her*

Beyonce:*cries* Jay he is going to shoot you .

Jay: Please don't cry Bey.

Beyonce: I just don't want to lose you .

Jay: I promise you that I will not let you , me or Jr die today .

Beyonce:*hugs jay* Thanks for coming back for me .

Jay:*looks in beyonce eyes* I made you a promise when we got married and I won't break it !

Beyonce: Thats why I love you .

Jay: I love you too .


Tina P.O.V

I hate Mathew so much . First he hurts his family ans cheats on me now he kidnapped my baby . oh hell no he really got me fucked up . If he say one wrong word he will die and I dont care if I have to go to jail.

Tina: Shoot him and I will shoot you !

Mathew: You wouldn't you love me too much .

Tina:*Giggles* Love went out the window when you cheated on me .

Mathew: I know what will get you . Lyndall come here .

Why was this nigga calling Beyonce ex . He cant do shit to me I will shoot his ass too for cheating on my daughter and breaking her heart.

Lyndall: Yes bab--

Mathew: *kisses Lyndall*

Lyndall: Baby what was that for?

Mathew: I just love you thats all .

This nigga is pathetic right now . I dont care about this nigga right now. So he gay and? How is this suppose to hurt me . It only shows why he was always up Lyndall ass.

Tina: Oh baby . If I wanted to I could so fuck you up .

Mathew: you can leave now baby I can handel this.

*lyndall acted like he left but hid in the corner*

What he doesnt know is that I know all his spots. He might not know but I know every single on of his weaknesses. 

Tina:*seductive* Mathew babe come here and shoot me .


Mathew P.O.V

She knows that voice get me exited no matter what she says . I just couldn't say anything to show her that I was .

*tina walks to Mathew and starts kissing his soft spot*

Mathew: *a slight moan flew out*

Tina:*seductive* now im going to need you *kiss* to give me your gun baby *kiss*

I really didn't want to give it to her but my body handed it over . This women does things to me that no man and no other women can .

Tina:Thanks baby . Now SIT YOUR ASS DOWN ! *pointing the gun at him*

Mathew: Damn Tina ! *sits down*

Tina P.O.V

Mathew is such a bitch it takes little to no work to get what you want from him .

The Struggles Of Jayonce !♥[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now