Sweet Dreams Become Beautiful Nightmares !♥

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Jay P.O.V

I swear if this baby isn't mine I am going to go the fuck off. I am sitting here feeling bad for everything I do to Beyonce because of "my" baby . Know the baby might not be mine ? I asked her this is in the beginning and she got mad at me but know whats going on . We have a fight and she runs to Justin .


Beyonce: Jay its his baby . Okay ? Now get the fuck out and screw your hoe .

Hearing that broke my heart into pieces.  I am feeling so many emotions at once . I feel sad,hurt,annoyed,pissed,angry just everything .

Solange:*yelling* Beyonce? 

Beyonce: What? I dont need him ..

Jay: BEYONCE ! I FUCKING asked you this shit in the beginning and you got MAD at me ! Are you FUCKING kidding me .

Beyonce: No now get out of my boyfreinds house .

Jay: Im not leaving you here. I know your just saying this because your mad at me.

Beyonce: Jay its not my fault that his YOUNG sperm got me pregnant. Or maybe its because he can actually give me an orgasm ..

Jay: You wasn't saying that the OTHER FUCKING NIGHT !

Beyonce: Faking !


Beyonce: No THIS BABY IS Justin Jr .. for the last time .

I  want to strangle Beyonce so bad . She is so lucky she is pregnant. and that she not a nigga . She put me through all this pain for nothing. 

Jay: I want TO KILL YOU !

Beyonce: I wish your ass would . I would sue you for everything you have.

Jay: I knew you were a gold digger from the beginning.

Beyonce: Call it what you want . I will have my lawyer fax you the divorce papers .

Jay: After i did evergthing for you today .. I could have left you there to be rapped by your dad everyday .

Beyonce: I rather be fucked by him then you . He is 10x better in bed then you . Now GO !

Jay:*walks up to beyonce* He can NEVER make your body do what I can remember that .

Beyonce:*whispers in jays ear* Already has and way better baby .

That set me off .How can she really sit here and say that the baby isnt mine and that he makes love to her better then I do . I have been with many girls and not once have I been told I suck in bed .

Justin: Get the fuck out my baby mamas FACE NOW !

Jay:*punches justin again* No problem . Beyonce have a nice life I will have all your SHIT sent here by the end of the week .

Solange P.O.V

I cant believe Beyonce just lied to Jay like that and Jay beileved her . I knew she was just hurt but she didnt have to go that far. She is going to regret it in the morning and I cant let Jay just give up on her like that.

Solange: Beyonce I cant believe you just did that?

Beyonce: I just told him the truth .

Solange: you know DAMN well you didn't .

Beyonce: bae can you give us a minute. 

Justin: no problem.  *goes upstairs*

Beyonce: I dont want to be with a cheater and I dont want my kid to look up to a cheater.

Solange: Beyonce what you said was low .

Beyonce: He cant do what justin does .

Solange: You was just complaining about how Justin sucked in bed .

Beyonce: I changed my mine he is amazing.

Solange: Beyonce I have heard you and Jay .. there is no way IN HELL to fake an orgasm like that !

Beyonce: well I do it..

Solange: Then you deserve an Oscar.  Because that moaning and the Daddy that are very good .

Beyonce: OMG Solange I'm that loud.

Solange: yes thats how I know you don't fake it.

Beyonce: Okay I dont I just wanted him to hurt the way I did.

Solange: But he didn't cheat .

Beyonce: he has in the past and im done Solange.  I am fed up with his shit .

Solange: Your going to regret this in the morning Beyonce. I have to go hopefully jay didnt leave me.

Beyonce: Trust me I couldnt ever regret this . I dont need him anymore. I don't even love him .

*they hug and say good bye.

Jay P.O.V

I am just sitting here not knowing what to do . I love Beyonce but she doesnt want to make it work and how can I compete with the father of here baby . I can't even give her an orgasm. She is a great faker because when she was calling me daddy and shaking I sware it was real . On the other hand I can go back to parting and fucking bitches . I dont have to worry about coming home and aruging because im late and arguing over stupid shit . I can spend my money on me and not dates and girl bags and shoes. I am happy I can be single again .

*solange come in the car*

Solange: Are you okay ?

Jay: Yeah im actually happy !

Solange: She didnt mean any of that stuff Jay .

Jay: Did she tell you that? 

Solange: no but I know my sister .

Jay: I thought I knew her too but I was wrong .

Solange:Jay please call her and make it better in the morning.

Jay: I was going to do that but now that I been thinking I dont want too .

Solange: This cant be the end of you guys . Jay I need you please dont leave me .

Jay: Solange I will be here for you but I have to let her go its for the best .

Solange: I looked up too you guys . you were so happy and cute like a dream .

Jay: Well all dreams come to and end. 

Solange: So this is really it ?

*takes divorce papers out his back seat*

Jay: yep . *signes it*

Solange: *cries*

Words Of The Author:

So I posted this without it so im writting it late ... anyways ... DIVORCE OR NA? yeah bye .. Oh and thankss for 6.6k reads !  Follow me on..

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Until next time Holla !♥

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