The Gender? <333

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Jay P.O.V

Beyonce and I opened the box and blue and pink balloons came out the box. When I tell you this was the most confused I have ever been in my life. I felt like  this miss have was my fault for letting someone else do the job . I guess the quote is right if you want thins done RIGHT you must do it YOURSELF .

"What the hell is this about?" Angie yelled

"What they having a girl with a dick or a guy with a pussy like ?" Ty said

'THAT IS IS ENOUGH TY . I am sure there is a reason for this let them explain." Ms.Tina said

No one said anything they just looked at me and Beyonce.

"You can explain now." Kelly said

"Umm I would but I am confused too !" I said ashamed

"Well let the doctor explain didn't she do this?" Michelle asked

"Yea .. What is this about Dr.C?" I said

"Well there is a blue and a pink balloon because there having TWINS ! " Dr.C said sounding exited

"TWINS???" everyone questioned

"Yea a little girl and a little boy ." Dr.C said with a  smile

I really cant believe I am having twin s . No one baby but 2 its crazy and i have a little me and Beyonce has a little her . We are going to have 2 angels . I am so exited but really nervous . It jut kicked in right now . I am going to have to set an example for my son on how to be a man and how to treat ladies when I barley know how to be a man . Then I have to set a example to my daughter on how a man is suppose to treat her and its going to be really hard . The fact that I grew up with no father figure to teach me how to be a man is really making me question myself . Am I ready for this type of responsibility ? Yes I wanted kids and I still do but am I ready? Its like food or something just because I want them doesn't mean I am ready for them ? I know you going to say food and kids are two different things but still I don't really know . I don't want to be a bad role model or anything but at the end their my kids and I am going to take care of mines .

"AWWWWW! Congrats." everyone said

"Thanks !" beyonce and I said together

"bae can you believe where having two little babies running around?" Beyonce said giving me a hug with a huge smile on her face

"I really cant believe it but its going to happen ." I said smiling

Everyone came over to us and gave us a hug and all that good stuff. Then everyone left except the ratchet crew and my mom and mama tine . I had 2 more surprised for my baby .

Beyonce P.O.V

"Bey your going to get big ass fuck with two babies." Solange said

"hopefully not I have to keep my body in check because I cant go back n stage looking pregnant after I give birth." I said

"Shit you going be at the gym running your ass off and NO more Popeyes ." she said laughing

"Fuck that I am going to eat my Popeyes fat or no !" i said

"Well your pregnant now so its not going to go straight to your ass anymore" she said

"It never did ." i said

"beyonce have you looked at your ass before?That shit is like BAMM!" Soalnge said

"No my ass i-" i said getting interrupted

"BIG!" Jay yelled interrupting me

"No I was going to say normal size." i said

"NORMAL SIZE?" Jay and Solange said looking at me crazy

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