Who Is In The Hospital?

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Beyonce P.O.V

I looked at Jay and i could tell from his eyes . He tried so hard not to make eye contact with me because he didn't want me to see the worries in his eyes . It got me scared because jay never got worried in front of me so that means this is bad . Is my mom in the hospital ? Dad? Solo? Angie? Kells?Gloria? Michelle?

Beyonce : *crying* JAY please tell me how is in the hospital ?

Jay:Latoya .... *not looking at Beyonce *

I cant say that im not happy that it wasn't someone i really loved but i still feel bad for Jay .

Beyonce:'Jay are you okay ?"

 Jay:"yes Bey .." *still not looking at Bey*

Beyonce:"Jay look at me .."


Beyonce: " Jaay! "


Beyonce:*took her hand and tilted jay head up so he cant look at into her eyes* " Jay i do care i can see in your eyes that your hurt . The women that is carrying your FIRST child is in the hospital and i know that's not easy to handle .

Jay:"Bey you don't have to act like you care for me because i know you -----.."

Beyonce: *interpreting* "She might not be my favorite person but Jay when your hurt I'm hurt when your sad I'm sad . The look in your eyes can change the way i feel in a second . i love you jay I'm going to be with you thorough it all . When i made those vows i meant every word . Its Bonnie And Clyde to the end of the world

Jay: *kisses beyonce with so much passion* i love you Queen  Bey Bey .. "

Bey:*blushing* " I love you too King Hov."

Jay & Bey : *laughing*

By the time we got to the hospital Latoya had already gave birth too a cute baby boy . Before they names the him Shawn Corey Carter Jr Jay wanted to make sure that was his baby . The doctor said okay but of course Jay had to give him an extra $900 to do it fast before the birth certificate is in .

Jay P.O.V

I looked at the baby and it look nothing like me . It looked like Latoya ex boyfriend so i was not ready to sigh anything or give him my name let alone my last name if he wasn't mine. I know looks don't mean anything because i watch Maury and there be some crazy result sometimes . I really wanted to talk to Layoya alone about things if it was my baby

*14 hours later *

We were still at the hospital and Beyonce starting to get bored and so was I . Latoya has been sleep for a couple hours now and i hope she wakes up soon because we need to talk . The doctor said the results should be in .. in about 2 more hours and i just couldn't wait .

Beyonce: "Jay do you want anything from Mc.Donald's ?

Jay:" yea i want a Big Mac meal with a Pepsi soda and can you stop at the store and buy me another charger?

 Bey:"Anything for my King ."*starts to walk out*  

Jay:Can i get a kiss?

Bey:*kisses jay*

Jay:*tongues her down and they make out for 10 min ..*

Latoya:*coughs so they can know she is awake*

Bey:" oh sorry im was just about to go to get us some food."

Latoya:"uh it looked like a little more then that but okay ."

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