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Beyonce P.O.V

I really dont know if I should tell him ... He might not believe me .. he might hate me.

Jay:Exactly Beyonce you have nothing to say because you not sick ! Stop trying to act like your the PERFECT WIFE because your NOT ! You only think about yourself and thats it. You probably married me for fame so your album can make number one.. that sounds right because I MADE YOUR CAREER! You dont love me .. Rihanna shows me more love then YOU EVER DID !

Beyonce:Your such an ass Jay ! I was famous before you ! I married you BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU!

Jay:Dont lie Beyonce.. Crazy in live ,Deja Vu , Updrade You .. I made that happen I made you because i thought you actually cared about me.. but now I know you are a gold digging whore.

Beyonce:Well this gold digging whore is PREGNANT WITH YOUR BABY!

I ran out leaving Jay with that. I didnt care that the cops where looking for me I just needed to get away from Jay . Everytime I said something it was like he was throwing darts at my heart. I really couldn't take it anymore . I love that man with everything in me. He has control over my heart . I wish I can take it back but he has it and its locked somwhere. I have done EVERYTHING and been through EVERYTHING and he treat me like this ... What happen to us and our love for each other? How does he say he made my career and I am a gold digger. You know what he can have ALL the money I dont care.

Jay P.O.V

Beyonce has been gone for an hour and I keep calling he and she isnt answering . I feel so bad for saying all that stuff about her . She is my everything and I dont understand how she is sick because she is pregnant . being pregnant is a wonderful thing but what took her so long to tell me about her being pregnant? Is it mine?because I dont remember us having sex in a while ..... oh wait after she had the miscarriage we started having swx a that too soon though? then she come .

Jay: Beyonce where did you go?

Beyonce: somewhere .

*Beyonce walks to the bedroom and lays in the bed*

Jay: So were not going to talk about this?

Beyonce: talk about what SHAWN !

Jay: you being pregnant..

Beyonce: dont worry about it I am getting a abortion... and this gold digging whore is going to give you ALL THE MONEY FOR EVERY SONG OF MINE YOU WAS IN ! I already transfered it just check your bank account it should be there .

Jay: Beyonce you are NOT KILLING MY BABY !.


Jay: Its my kid Beyonce...


Jay: Bae ple-

Beyonce: -My name is not BAE my name is BEYONCE !

Jay: Beyonce I am sorry ... please dont get an abortion .. it my baby too shouldn't I have a say ?

Beyonce: No Jay you shouldnt ..

Jay: Why?

Beyonce: because its MY BABY I have to carry the baby and care and support the baby .

Jay: Beyonce I will be for you the whole time just please dont kill my baby ..


Jay: Beyonce I been here for you threw EVERYTHING ! If anyone in this relationship wasnt here its you so dont do that .

Beyonce: Are your FUCKING kidding me Shawn? When you thought you got Latoya PREGNANT I WAS THERE ... When you went to take that DNA TEST I WAS THERE .. When you was un sure of yourself I WAS FUCKING THERE JAY .. You broke my heart so much and I TOOK YOUR ASS BACK EVERY GOD DAMN TIME ! I have been here being your WIFE .. helping you and your NEEDS !

Jay:Dont lie Beyonce you were always on the road .. You had no time be with me .. you didnt help my needs .

Beyonce: STOP STOP STOP ! How many nights and days have I tried to have sex with you ... AND YOU said YOU was TIRED.. when your were really FUCKING THAT BITCH !

Jay: She was there at the time..

Beyonce: I tried Jay .. I did everything I could .. I took time off ! I came home ready to have sex all day if I had to just to make you happy .Had phone sex ... had Skype sex with you... I called you ever day . told you I loved you ! Kept my body right . dressed and had my hair done the way you liked it ! Why ? TO MAKE YOU FUCKING HAPPY ! but I guess I am not good enough..

Jay: Beyonce I am so sorry .. I know you tried but I wasnt thinking I was just doing . I appreciate every you done but please dont get an abortion.

Beyonce: Jay we are hiding from cops and barely together... I can not emotionally bring a baby in this world ..

Jay: why ?

Beyonce: Jay think about EVERYTHING we been through these passed couple of weeks? I KILLED OUR BABY ! I am STRESSED ! I still cant sleep at night . I am so unhappy and depressed that I feel like at any day I can just die of heartbreak.

Jay: Its in gods plan and he gave you another chance to be a mother so take it . Beyonce we will get through this I promise.

Beyonce:*crying* I am just scared

Jay:*hugs beyonce* It will be okay .

Beyonce: I just cant... I am tiered and hurt..

Jay:I know Beyonce it will be okay I promise.

Beyonce cries and soon falls asleep in my arms . I pick her up and brought her into the room then put her in the bed . Then the door bell rang. I went down stairs .

??: Open the door its the cops

Words of The Author:

Keep on reading BECAUSE IT AINT OVER !♥ LMFAO caught you guys .. na let me stop but Beyonce pregnant AGAIN! YASSS !♥ So yeah Jail or na? Well yeah I hope you guys dont hate me even though jayonce not officially together yet .. but you neve know .. oh and sorry for all these short updates its just things happen... Have to keep you guys on your feet right? so you guys should really follow me on ...

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Kik: behive4life

-Until next time HOLLA !♥

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