Why Cant She ? <3

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Beyoncé P.O.V

Shit, I jumped up real quick and pulled my dress down. I don't need Kanye seeing my kitty, the way he be stalkin me sometimes. Justin just got up and moved away from me. 

"What the hell do you want Kanye?"I said annoyed since he ruined my climax and buzz. 

"I came to see where Justin was they were looking for him but this is about you. YOU'RE MARRIED!"He yelled a little too loud for my liking.

"FUCK JAY!" I said not really giving a fuck about his feelings. 

I sat up on the bed and looked over to see Justin's bitch ass trying to leave the room.

"Where the fuck you think you're going?"Kanye said getting Justin attention. 

I honestly don't have time for this bullshit. 

"Bro  I'm not trying to be here for this conversation, so I'm leaving. Beyoncé I will call you tomorrow."  Justin said starting to walk out. 

"No, you don't have to go."I said.  If I'm being honest I didn't care if he stayed but I wanted to prove a point that I can fuck whoever I want. 

"Yes he fucking does, he lucky Jay isn't with me because he would have been killed your little bitch." Kanye commanded. 

Justin looked scared as fuck at Kanye comment. So he gave a look and I just let his bitch ass go because I'm not even horny anymore fucking with these two. 

"Kanye get the hell out of my room, I don't have time for your bullshit."

"Hell no we need to talk about this!"He said obviously still upset. 

I really don't understand why Kanye acting like he's my man or some shit. I really think he is just upset that I picked Justin instead of him. I know he wanted to be with me for a long ass time but I would never. I mean maybe on a petty day, just to get back at Jay. 

While Kanye kept bitching my phone started ringing. I answered it not really wanting to hear any more of Kanye shit. 

"Hello, is this Mrs. Carter?" Some lady said on my phone.

"Yes, that's me,"I answered with disgust because I hate that name now. 

"It's Nurse Betty and I wanted to inform you that your husband has just suffered a heart attack."She answered back to me. 

At that moment I wanted to break down but I knew I couldn't do that right now especially not with her on the phone. 

"Is he okay?"I asked trying to keep myself in check. 

"I'm not sure but if you come you can talk to the doctor and he'll tell you about everything that happened." She said with sincerity in her voice.

"Okay, I will be there soon thank you,"I said before hanging up. 

At that moment, my hate for Jay went to the back of my head. The only thing that was on my mind was making sure that he was okay. I can't lose him, at least not like this.  As I was about to walk out the door Kanye bitch ass had to stop me. 

 "WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT AND WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?"He yelled holding on to my arm.

"Jay had a heart attack."I said raising my voice.

"Oh shit. I will take you because you're a little drunk." Kanye said before we ran outside and got into his car. Within 10 minutes we were at the hospital. 

When we pulled up and parked, I took a second to just calm down before asking Kanye if we  "can we keep what happen to ourselves for right now I don't want to make Jay more stressed."

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