The Night After <33

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Before you start reading search up the name @4queen_bey on here right now or search up her new story Bonnie & Clyde , Hov & Bey .. When I tell you i only read what she has but it is AMAZING and I can already see how good it will become but please go read and comment and vote .. Just show some love and tell her i sent you but DO NOT HATE because that not cute .. *hint You will see Beyonce in another light * well here is my update <33

Jay P.O.V

?? : Yo Nigga what the fuck is going on in here ?

I got woken up and I looked and seen that it was Ye .. Then I looked down and I was butt naked and so was Bey . Then i remembered what happen last night and I smiled .

Kanye: Nigga get the fuck up ...

Jay:Okay get the fuck out and let me get dressed.

Kanye: Hurry the fuck up ..

I got up and started to move Beyonce to wake up and she didnt move. I started kissing her soft spot she moved a little . I had no other choice so i opened her legs and went down on her .

Beyonce: Mhmm

She started moaning more and more then she finally opened her eyes .She put her hands on my head and arched her back . I was going to stop but then Jr rose so there was no need .

??: OMG sorry ...

For some reason Rihanna our assitent came in and then ran out . Beyonce didnt notice her eyes were closed and she was moaning a lot . Finally she came right on my face and i slurpted it all .

Beyonce:*breathing hard* Morning Bae..

Jay: Morning ..

Kanye: Nigga I told you to get up not fuck her ..

Jay: Nigga calm down we leaving now .

Beyonce and I both got dressed and told the cleaner to clean the studio becasuse everything was everywhere . We fucked that studio up last night . When we went down the hall I seen Rihanna and s because Dr.c was coming to check Beyonce and see how far she is and stuff . The door bell rang and it was Dr.C she got all set up and stuff .

Beyonce P.O.V

Beyonce: Good Morning Dr.C

Dr.C: Hey Bey i see you are glowing ..

Beyonce: Am I?

Dr.C: Yes you are ..

Beyonce: Maybe my new mostirazer .

Dr.C: What is it call after sexarixor?

Jay just sat there and laughed and i was so embarriest i knew i had to be red. Jay came over to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on my forhead but I was at him .

Beyonce: Can I see my baby now ?

Dr.C: if you would lay down and pull up your shirt .

I did as she said and then she put this jelly like stuff on belly and it was prettty cold but it tickeled . I laughed .

Dr.C: Forgot to meantan it would be cold .

Beyonce: Its tickiles too ..

Dr.C: Thats strange but okay .

She put that white thing on my belly and i looked at the screen and it was this cute little thing . I heard the heat beat and I almost cried . I looked over at Jay and there was a tear going down his eye . After everything I have been threw this is why if live for amazing moment like this .

Dr.C:You are about 10 weeks which is about a month in a half .

Beyonce: Aww .. I am so happy..

Dr.C: Congradulations Mr & Mrs. Carter .

Jay: Thats for coming when do we see you again ?

Dr.C: In about 2 weeks .. Here is you guys pictures i will see you then ..

Bey&Jay: Thanks and tell you husband i said hi .

Dr.C: will do ..

She left and then I went upstairs and just looked in the mirror I had a little belly but nothing that people would notice but i definatly did . Then Jay came and touched my belly and just smiled. This was cute I had my man and my little plum plum nothing in the world I would rather have . Jay got down on his knees and started whispering and I couldnt hear him that good .

Jay: I am sorry baby girl or lil man about poking you last night . Its okay though it will happen again but dont be scared its a good thing . I love you very much and i cant wait to see you ..

Then he kissed my belly and came back up .

Beyonce: What was that ?

Jay: Father time ..

Beyonce: Aww what did you say I could barly hear you ..

Jay: Thats for me and the baby too know ..

Beyonce: Okay meaney ..

Jay: Are you hungry?

Beyonce: Is that a question?

Jay: Want to go out or do you want me to cook ?

Beyonce: No i just want to spend time with my man .

Jay: Alright I will cook for you ..

Beyonce: Let me help you ..

Jay: NO ! you are good .

Beyonce: your so mean .

Jay: You know you love me..

Beyonce: Sadly I do ...

Jay: Exacly .. Let me cook you can sit and watch Scandal or somthing ..

Beyonce: Good idea .

I went in my bed and turned on Scandal when my phone started to ring. It was Solange ..

Beyonce: Hey Solo whats up ..

Solange:*crying bad* He HE -- Hospital ..

Beyonce: Solo calm down ..

I was getting scared I heard crying and ambalnce and just a whole bunch of crazy shit going on .

Solo: *still crying * ---Hosp--tail ..

Words Of The Author:

Here is a bonus update from the heart .. I been making it a habit to do it even tho i updated yesterday so now i cant not do it . I was about to not do it because i had a lot of shit to do but I came threw and updated both stories ... Now what do you guys this is going on right now ? and right when Beyonce is all happy with life and shit .. oh and i didnt auto correct and sorry this is short .. and IF YOU DID NOT GO TO 4Queen_Bey AND READ HER STORY NOW .. follow me on..

Instagram- @behive4life



-Until NEXT TIME HOLLA ! <33

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