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Beyonce P.O.V

Beyonce: Jay answer me ! Whats wrong?

Jay: Its nothing Bey just leave it alone...

Beyonce: NO Shawn if you have something I probably have it too ..

Jay: ....

Beyonce: I swear Shawn if I have an STD and it hurt MY baby we are going to have problems ...

Jay: ....

Beyonce: Uhh why would I be with a man that fucks hoes all his life ..

Jay: You know what Beyonce .. YOUR SUCH A LYING ASS BITCH !

Beyonce:The doctor said they would only call if you had something Jay which they did .. and I slept with you so now both the baby and I might have it ..

Jay: you know what ... good fucking bye !

Next thing I know jay jumped out the moving car and ran away .

Jay P.O.V

I am so pissed off and just upset about what Beyonce said. She mad it seem like I rapped her or something and that's the reason she pregnant. I feel as though she wants me to a perfect man that ever fairytale has but she isnt realizing the struggles the girls had before they got there fairytale ending. I wouldn't mind treating her like a Queen she just doesn't treat me like a King... She treats me like I am a worse replica of her father which I am not . Im just getting so fed up with her . I keep forgetting she pregnant and the hormones but some of the things she say to me I take personal...I am just ganna go to the studio and think and write about everything...

Beyonce P.O.V

I really didn't feel like running after him because he is not my problem. I dont have time to go running for men . I have a child to take care of now so he can have his little fits but im not running for him . I went to the studio and just to started singing how I felt..

"I guess love wasn't enough for us to survive

I swear I swear I swear I tried

You took the life right out of me ...

I am so unlucky I can't breathe ..

you took the life right out of me me me me me me me ..

I am longing for your heartbeat

heartbeat .... heartbeat"

I started crying and I just sat and cried . I played the song on repeat over and over and just cried.(should be a video you can see)

Jay P.O.V

I walked into the studio and the lights were off but I heard crying . then a song played .. As soon as the song played I knew it was Beyonce. I listened to the song and I wanted to cry . It was sad and I never knew Beyonce felt like this when the baby died .

"Im longing for your heart beat ... heat beat .. heartbeat .."

When that part came I heard all the hurt and sadness in her voice . she was on the at a crying state when she was recording that I just knew . I ran to her and just huged her . As much as I wanted to cry I couldn't I had to be strong for her . All this hurt and sadness and stress isn't good for the baby and I dont want her to have to go threw everything all over again.

Beyonce:*crying* Im sorry Jay I am so so sorry ...

Jay: Its alright Bey.

Beyonce: It isnt okay ...Our baby is gone.. there was no heartbeat jay..

The Struggles Of Jayonce !♥[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now