Blame 1 - Unlucky

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I'm just having fun with this one. Honestly, this took me, like, half an hour to write. Please comment. Suggestions are more than welcome! Enjoy!

Blame 1

The bell clangs through the classrooms, interrupting Mr. Park halfway through his powerpoint. Around me, my classmates shove papers and pencils into their bags, eager to be anywhere but the classroom. I linger back. I don't like being jostled around in a crowd, like a fish swept downstream. Plus, I want to talk to Mr. Park about the essay due next week.

The noise in the classroom gradually dies down until the only sound left is my breathing and the clock ticking. Slowly making my way up to Mr. Park, I check off my homework assignments. Math assignment: done. Spanish worksheet: done. History essay: ask Mr. Park. English reading: read tonight. Science lab: work on tomorrow.

"Mr. Park—"

He stands up from his desk. "I'm sorry, Alisha. I really need to make some copies. I'll be back in a few, okay?"

"Oh, okay..." I mutter meekly.

Mar. Park turns back right before he exits the room. "Oh, and great job on your analysis on the duality in A Tale of Two Cities. I never would have thought to compare the cities to Sydney. A+."

A smile crosses my face. I can feel my chin lift up a little. That paper took me three hours to write yesterday, and his praise made it worth every second. The door shuts behind Mr. Park with a bang.

I melt into the desk right next to me, the grin still on my face. To pass the time, I check my phone. 3:55. Piano lessons were at 4:30, so I still had some time to spare. I scroll through my apps. My thumb lands on snapchat. Social media normally was blocked at school, but two years ago, as a freshman, I had figured out a way to bypass the filter. I don't really know why I bothered to check. I only have one friend. Someone with the username "SeaEscape"

"I never would have thought to compare the cities to Sammy." A deep voice mocks behind me. "Pfft. What a joke. Kiss ass."

I jump. I didn't realize someone was still in the room with me. Through my embarrassment, I can feel anger start to boil in my stomach. I spin around. "It's Sydney. Not Sammy. And you would know that if you read the book." I put my finger on my lips and pretend to think. "Oh wait, I guess that book's too hard for you."

My instigator is sitting in the last row with his feet propped up on the chair in front of him. That's why I didn't see him. I always sit in the second row. Not close enough to call attention to myself as a teacher's pet, but close enough to still stay engaged in the class.

In the dimming sunlight, I can barely make out who it is. Min Yoongi, a troublemaker with a history that could fill up a bookshelf. As I watch, Yoongi slowly gets out of his seat and slinks toward me, like a black cat. Little did I know he would either be my luckiest or unluckiest charm.

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