Blame 29 - Did We Just

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Blame 29

I stifled a yawn. The pillow beneath my head was so soft and fluffy. The lightbulbs on the ceiling made me squint. Sleepy tears gathered at the corners of my eyes. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. How long was I out? The blue light made me feel slightly more awake, chasing the sleepiness away. 7:10pm. Oh shit. I was suddenly wide awake. I sat up, and noticed a black blob next to me. It twitched. I gasped and scooted away. What was that thing? Then I noticed the familiar curve of a certain nose. A pair of lips that I saw everyday. But that wasn't the only thing I noticed. Springs squealed as I leaped from the bed.

Oh SHIT. Did we just—? I turned on the man sleeping in front of me. I wanted to slap him and demand an explanation, but the weight of my phone in my hands reminded me that now was not the time. I groaned. Why was I always late when Yoongi was around?

"Yoongi! Get up! We have ten minutes before they arrive at the restaurant. We have to go. Now!" I hissed at the slumped figure on the bed. His hair was arranged in a black halo around his head. Thick dark eyelashes stood out against his pale skin. The white t-shirt he was wearing rode up to his stomach, showing more than was decent. His pink lips looked so soft next to me. Without his signature scowl, Yoongi seemed so young and...vulnerable.

He grumbled and turned his back to me. "But I'm so sore," he whined.

I scoffed. Was he being serious? Did he know what he put me through? "You're sore? I'm the one who should be complaining." My whole body ached. There wasn't a muscle in my body that wasn't screaming for some rest. But my job as Cupid wasn't done.

I shook Yoongi's arm. His biceps tensed against my movement. "Get up!"

"Are you sure you don't wanna pick up where we left off?" Yoongi mumbled sleepily.

My cheeks heated up. My eyes involuntarily went down to his exposed midriff. I gave Yoongi a quick hit on the arm, but he still refused to budge. I huffed in frustration. Fine. You wanna play this way? I'll play this way.

I hopped off the bed and went over to Yoongi's side. Grabbing the covers between my fists, I gave the white material a hard yank. Yoongi tumbled onto the floor with a surprised squeak. I laughed at his big round eyes. His shirt was twisted around his waist, and his hair was sticking to the blanket.

His eyes narrowed. "I'm gonna get you for that."

"Ohhh, scary," I mocked, waving my hands around like a ghost. I threw him his blazer that had been laying on the floor. "Let's go. We're gonna miss the moment Jin and Sunny become a thing."

Yoongi ran a hand through his hair and a tongue over his lips. My eyes wandered to his flexing muscles as he put on his blazer. Damn, why did he have to be so attractive?

I followed Yoongi out, my arms loaded with shopping bags. Before the door shut behind us, I heard someone say, "Thanks for coming to Seoul's Mattresses. Please come again."


Did I trick anyone? 😂😂😂 Did anyone get what just happened?

Lol well, if you didn't, here's what happened. Yoongi and Alisha went shopping for clothes to wear to the dinner, but Yoongi ended up buying a bunch of clothes. So then Alisha was forced by Yoongi to carry all his clothes. So that explains her tired body. Clothes are freaking heavy!

And as to why they were on a bed. They fell asleep in a mattress store lol.

Idk why I wrote this tbh. I thought skipping 6 hours of Yoongi and Alisha's free time would be a waste, so I wrote this to explain what they did (or didn't do). This chapter is kinda just an extra side chapter. I just thought it would be kinda funny. Sorry my sense of humor sucks.

What color should BTS's next comeback hair be?

JINger, because they're leJINdary..............

I love Jin...

I'm done...

I need more sleep...


Love, Laurie <3

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