Blame 41 - Desparate Times

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Blame 41

A couple of days passed since our love making session. Everything seemed to go back to normal. I tutored Yoongi. Yoongi was his normal lazy self. I even got news from Sunny that she and Jin were finally official and going on their first date.

But there was an underlying tension every time Yoongi and I were near each other. My laughs felt forced, and each time we'd accidentally brush up against each other I would jump back like a rabbit. It might've been just me, but I was about to snap. It bothered me to the point that I almost broke our silence agreement.

I needed a way to vent my mixed emotions.

Sunny? No. She still know I was living with Yoongi. And I wasn't about to tell her.

Hoseok? I couldn't bare to see his "I knew it" face.

A professor? Desperate times call for desperate measures? I tried to picture eighty year old and deaf Park, my mathematics teacher, and I sitting down and having a nice chat about my sex life over some jasmine tea.

Hell no. Scratch that.

I raked my brain for anyone else I could confide in. Sadly, no one came to mind.

I need more friends.

But then, I realized I had the perfect person to talk to.

I dug out my phone and went to town.

[Downthe_Aliway: Can I ask you a question?]

The reply was immediate, like always.

[SeaEscape: ???]

[Downthe_Aliway: Have you ever had sex and then regretted it the next morning?]

[SeaEscape: Darling, that's called a one night stand]

[Downthe_Aliway: No, not that...]

[SeaEscape: I need context]

[Downthe_Aliway: I hooked up with the guy I'm sharing an apartment with]

[SeaEscape: So what's the problem???]

[Downthe_Aliway: We agreed to pretend it never happened, but it's so awkward. I don't know what to do.]

[SeaEscape: Is it awkward for both of you or just you?]

[Downthe_Aliway: How am I supposed to know? I'm not him.]

[SeaEscape: ...clearly]

[Downthe_Aliway: He seems fine. I think it's just me.]

[SeaEscape: Have you thought maybe it's because of your feelings?]

[Downthe_Aliway: My feelings? For him? I don't have any.]

[SeaEscape: Don't lie to yourself. Are you sure?]

I chewed the inside of my cheek. Did I have feelings for Yoongi? Lately, we've grown so comfortable with each other. And now that the feeling was gone, it felt like there was a hole in my chest. I felt hollow.

I missed it.

[Downthe_Aliway: Thank you. You're the best stranger in the world. I think I have my answer.]

[SeaEscape: No problemo, darling.]

[Downthe_Aliway: Have I told you how amazing you are for someone I've never met?]

[SeaEscape: I already know]


Hello! It's been a while since I've updated so quickly. This is a really short chapter, so sorry about that. I hate how the texting is formatted, but I don't know how else to do it. If you guys have a suggestion, let me know. Some of what's going on may seem really random (like SeaEscape's character) at the moment, but I promise, it'll all come together in the end. We will find out who SeaEscape is before this hot mess ends. Well, I already know, but I'm not going to tell you guys :)

And what do you guys think of a Q&A with the characters once I finish this story? *shoutout to all the other authors like pocketbangtan who did this first lol* 

Thanks for reading! As always, please don't forget to vote, share, comment, or whatever the heck you feel like!

Love, Laurie <3

Word count: 644 see I told you it was short

P.S. I find it funny that in chapter 25 I said that there was only going to be like 10 chapters left. And 16 chapters later, we're still going strong. All aboard the struggle bus. Toot toot.

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