Blame 21 - Try

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Blame 21

I woke up to a dull throbbing pain in the back of my head. My eyes blinked against the bright lights in the ceiling. A familiar warm lilac duvet covered my body up to my shoulders. My bedroom. I tried to go back to sleep, but my pounding headache wouldn't let me.

"You're awake." A statement, not a question.

"No, I'm not," I denied.

I heard a sigh. "Clearly."

I shifted my weight up until my back was half leaning against the headboard. Yoongi was sitting in my desk chair next to the bed, his phone in his hand. The light coming from his screen made his hair shine a glowing blue. My movement caught his attention. His eyes quickly flickered up to meet mine, but he went back to rapidly typing something out with his thumbs.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded.

Yoongi rolled his eyes in his infuriating way. "I was in the living room, minding my own business while someone decided to drop—"

"Stop!" I held up a hand, the previous events rushing back to me. I felt a flush crawl up my neck. "I know what happened. You don't have to remind me again."

He shrugged and relaxed back into his—my—chair. "That's my chair. You can't sit it in." It was childish. But I wanted to feel in control.

"Where do you want me to sit? On you bed? With you?" Yoongi looked at me like I was out of my mind.

Dammit. Didn't think that one through. My ears heated up. The bed suddenly felt too confined and hot. I was one of the smartest people in university. How did this guy always manage to trip me up? I shook my head.

I deliberately turned my attention on someone else. "Where's Hoseok?"

"Oh, your boyfriend is sleeping in my room," Yoongi said casually. "He was practically dead on his feet. Did you talk him to death?"

I decided to ignore the question. "He's not my boyfriend."

"Well, that's what he said he was when I asked him."

"I don't have a boyfriend, remember? Besides, he's gay." I threw my arms up in a "voila" gesture. Then I remembered how I was supposed to be the only one who knew Hoseok's secret. Whoops. I made a mental note to explain to Hoseok and plead for my life later.

Yoongi cocked an eyebrow, a glint in his sly eye. "Gay?"

"Don't tell me you play for the other team too," I groaned.

He shrugged. "I'm bi. If I like someone, I like someone. Their gender doesn't matter to me."

"Oh," I squeaked out.

Suddenly, I realized how much I didn't know about my roommate. We didn't even have each other's numbers. An awkward silence grew between us. I racked my brain for something else to say, but my thoughts kept drifting to the first half of the day and my pretend date with Yoongi. I think Yoongi sensed it too, but there was something unspoken in the room. I opened my mouth to break the silence.

"Hey. Uh—," Yoongi said first. He glanced at me before looking away when our eyes met.

"Hey," I replied. I waited for him to continue, silently encouraging. We both knew we needed to clear the air.

He played with his collar, tugging it away from his neck. I could see how uncomfortable he was. A thin coat of sweat shone on his skin. His gaze kept wondering around the room. No doubt he didn't have practice in heart-to-heart talks.

Yoongi licked his lips. I watched his pink tongue dart out once. Twice. "Look, I'm sorry. I knew what my mother was like. I was being stupid. I shouldn't have asked you to do that for me, even though I paid you money." His words tumbled out in a waterfall. They hung in the air between us, spinning around, showing hidden meanings.

"Damn right you shouldn't have," I retorted with a snort.

"It was my mistake. But..."

A heavy silence returned to the room.

I took a deep breath, ready to defend myself. I didn't get the chance to.

"We're stuck together for at least another month. I don't want things to be like this. So awkward, I mean," Yoongi choked out. "Can we just, forget about this and start again?"

His eyes looked straight into my brown ones. He stuck his hand out. I stared down at it. I was struck by how sincere he sounded.

"Hi, I'm Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you."

I hesitated just like I had before getting into his car. Was I walking down the wrong path? It seemed like all Yoongi brought was bad luck. But...

"I'm Alisha Lee. Let's try not to kill each other in the next month?"


Thank you to everyone who commented on a new cover. Candidate 4 had the most comments, so that is the new cover. I hope everyone likes it. Sorry I could only choose one. But who knows, maybe they'll show up later in the story when I get bored of this cover. 

I don't know what to say, so I'm gonna write a haiku

I searched up Taehyung

Got existential crisis

See gif down below ⬇️

See gif down below ⬇️

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It's just two people cosplaying as BTS ;)

- Love, Laurie (author-nim lol) <3

P.S. Thanks Chris for showing me this and giving me a heart attack...(I don't know why I bother...he doesn't even read my fanfics hehe)

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