Blame 20 - How Lame

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Blame 20

When his gaze locked on mine, his mouth dropped open. "Alisha?"

Yoongi's eyes fell on Hoseok. In particular, his hand around my waist.

"You bastard!" Yoongi grabbed Hoseok's collar in his fists. "What did you do to her? I swear, if you hurt her in any way, I'll rearrange that face of yours."

A fist cocked back, preparing to swing. Panic rushed through me. I latched onto Yoongi's straining arms. He ignored my efforts to stop him. His muscles rippled underneath my fingertips. A scary anger gleamed in Yoongi's eyes. Hoseok stood there, glaring back at him. Tension sizzled in between the two. Hoseok, ready to defend like a roman soldier. And Yoongi. He was like a dark angel of death, ready to bestow punishment on the soul in his hands.

"Stop! Yoongi, it's fine. I'm fine," I cried.

Yoongi stopped mid-swing. He stared at me for longer than necessary. I shivered. There was something cold lurking in Yoongi. After a tense moment, he let go of Hoseok's shirt as well. With a huff, Hoseok wiped the wrinkles in his shirt away and straightened his posture. "Well, then. Hello to you too."

Yoongi stared at Hoseok, the anger in his body replaced with suspicion. "Who the hell are you?"

In response to the questioning of his identity, Hoseok puffed out his chest. "I should be asking you the same question. And why are you in Alisha's apartment? Actually, no, don't answer that." Hoseok waved his hand in Yoongi's face, pissing him off even more. Instead, he turned to me. "You answer. Why is this guy in your apartment?"

If I had any more color in my face, it would have drained away. I could already feel the air between the two turn electric again. The two males went back to leering at each other like two wolves staking a claim on territory. Recognizing that we were still technically in the hallway and potentially disturbing the neighbors, I ushered the two men into the apartment.

"I'll explain once you two stop trying to 'assert dominance'," I said with a tinge of annoyance.

Inside, I could still see signs of my Sunday morning leisure. The bag of Cheetos still littered the coffee table and somehow, I made it to the last episode of the drama that I had accidentally left playing. It all felt like ages ago, not 12 hours ago.

I pushed Yoongi and Hoseok onto the couch. "I'll go get some water so we can all cool off. And then we'll talk," I said before hobbling into the kitchen to get three glasses of water.

A half-eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwich sat abandoned next to the sink. Typical Yoongi. Too spoiled to pick up after himself. I opened one of the overhead cabinets, pulling out two baby blue mugs. The third one was just out of my reach. Gripping the countertop for balance, I stood on my tiptoes and strained my arm as far out as it would go. My fingertips hooked around the handle. Success!

Without warning, another mug tipped over and headed straight for the space between my eyes. It was like time slowed down. I watched, helpless, as the ceramic cup smashed into my forehead. My grip on the countertop broke, and I fell backwards. The back of my head hit the edge of the kitchen table. An immediate sharp pain pierced through my head. I had one last thought before blackness stole my vision.

How lame.


So, I decided to save the excerpt from the last chapter for the next chapter. It's coming though. The heart to heart talk with our favorite savage is coming! Can I just say, considering how much I suck at updating and staying committed to one story, I've been really on top of things lately. To be honest, I wish I was a better writer, but that's what practice is for, right? And that's what I'm doing with this story. Practicing. So thank you everyone who bares with me in my terrible writing. Hopefully it'll get better as I write more and more!

- Love, Laurie <3

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