Blame 23 - Eggs & Bacon

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Blame 23

He poked my forehead. "Fine. I was going to go looking for you. There I said it. Happy?"

My cheeks hurt from smiling so wide. "Mhm."


The next morning, Hoseok left to catch his morning class. Yoongi and I lingered in the kitchen eating breakfast.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked Yoongi.

"What are my options?"

I surveyed the refrigerator that we shared. It was looking pretty sparse. Half a carton of eggs. A few vegetables. Uncooked bacon. An almost empty carton of orange juice. Two bottles of beer and a couple other miscellaneous foods.

"Eggs and bacon? We have just enough milk for a bowl of cereal," I said.

Yoongi thought for a moment. "Eggs and bacon."

I nodded, approving of his choice. I cranked the stove on high before cracking two eggs into the sizzling pan. The egg white immediately solidified. The oil popped and hissed at me. I used a spatula and poked the yolk. It jiggled, but didn't break. I sprinkled some salt into the pan. The edges were starting to turn a crispy golden yellow. Gently, I scooped up the eggs one by one and plopped them onto Yoongi's clean plate.

Next, I turned to the bacon. Using the oil from the eggs, I laid three strips of beautiful meat onto the burning hot black surface. The mouthwatering smell almost brought tears to my eyes. Refusing to give all the pieces to Yoongi, I quickly flung a fourth strip into the pan for myself. No way I was going to give up an opportunity to nab some bacon. The fat crackled in the oil. The ends were beginning to shrivel and shrink in size. I nearly died waiting for the bacon to get that perfect crispy texture.

Once the tantalizing meat was done, I gingerly placed three pieces onto Yoongi's eggs and then shoving the last piece into my mouth. Mmmmm...There was hardly anything better than piping hot bacon fresh off the pan. The fat practically melted in your mouth. And the crispy parts crunched perfectly under your teeth. The taste exploded in my mouth. This was bliss. Bless my cooking skills.

Beside me, it seemed like Yoongi was experiencing the same thing. His eyes were closed while his tongue did all the work. I stood up and came back with my bowl of cereal. Yoongi looked up, out of his bacon trance.

"I didn't pay you yet. I'll get that to you right now." He started to head back to his room.

I grabbed his arm and shook my head. "You don't have to pay. I was being childish. You pay your share for the groceries, the least I can do is make you food."

"I don't have to pay...ever?"

I laughed. "Yes, ever."

He pointed at me with a serious look in his eyes. "I'm holding you to that."

I sighed, half giggling under my breath. "I'm regretting this already."

We finished our breakfast together and left the dishes in the sink. If there were going to be dirty dishes from lunch and dinner, why not wash all of them at the end of the day? At least, that was my logic. I think Yoongi was just being lazy.

I grabbed my backpack from the living room. I glanced at the clock. 9:09 AM. Class started in 21 minutes. "I'm leaving now!" I called out in the direction of Yoongi's room where he was getting dressed. Our classes started at the same time, but we were in different courses, since I was a biology major and Yoongi was majoring in music production and engineering. The only class we had together was that required history class that we kissed in.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Yoongi's voice was stifled by his closed door.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on! We're gonna be late!"

University wasn't really that far away. By bus it was only about a 5 minute ride. But today, I wanted to walk. The weather was beautiful since it was spring, and summer break was just around the corner.

I opened the front door and stepped out, testing the air. My thin black coat was just the right amount of protection from the wind. My feet stopped. A familiar tall figure blocked my view of, well, everything. I cracked a smile and enveloped the person in a hug.

"Jin! What are you doing here?" I exclaimed, pulling back. "I can't believe you remembered my address."

His face was as handsome as I remembered it. Today, he was wearing an apron that had a little coffee cup logo on it. His hair was swept to the side of his face, revealing thick brown eyebrows and warm eyes. The sleeves to his button up underneath were rolled up until just above his elbows. In other words, he looked like an unholy sexy cafe boy. How did Sunny not have a heart attack seeing him across the street everyday?

Jin scratched the back of his head, a sheepish grin on his face. "Are you free sometime today?"

I mentally went through my schedule. "I will be around 11:30. Why?"

"Do you wanna catch some lunch?" Jin fiddled with his hands, clearly nervous. He was like a high schooler who was talking to his crush. But I wasn't supposed to be his crush! Sunny was.

"Um..." I thought about how much Sunny gushed about Jin. She seemed to really like him. I wasn't going to let some guy get in-between us.

Jin's shoulders drooped at my hesitation. His eyes lost some of their sparkle. "It's okay, you don't have to. You just seem really close to Sunny, and I really wanted to ask for some advice on...her." A blush tinted his cheeks.

A fangirl scream formed in my throat. I mentally shoved it away. Gotta keep my cool. Time to play Cupid. "No, of course! I'd love to help. Where—?"

I was interrupted by the front door slamming shut behind me. Jin's eyes grew to the size of saucers.

"Yoongi? What the hell are you doing here?"

I heard Yoongi's voice behind me. "Aw, shit," he hissed.


Word count: 1004 ('Angel' 😈 Jeonghan!!)

🎉Happy New Year's Eve! Only a couple more hours left in 2017. Honestly, I will not miss 2017. I'm ready to move on. Nothing against 2017, it just rushed by so quickly. The trends were a little odd though (only slightly judging)...🎉

On a happy note, I can't wait to watch BTS performing in Times Square while I sit on my couch eating cookies and get fatter :)

My favorite moment of 2017 was when I traveled to NYC and ended up shopping (we went to the Line store!!) until one o'clock in the morning with my family! Comment what your favorite 2017 memory was!

And if you enjoyed this chapter, please vote, share, and comment comment comment (because that's what keeps me motivated to write more '^^)

- Love, Laurie <3

P.S. Does anyone else wish there was the mirrored version of this emoji -> 🎉 <- so you can actually bracket stuff without looking stupid?

Nobody else?


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