Blame 16 - Worst Day. Dress. Boys.

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Blame 16

A ding from my phone draws my attention to the newest texts.


[SeaEscape: The sky's looking pretty cloudy.]

[SeaEscape: Might rain sometime soon.]

I glance outside in surprise. It was bright and sunny just a few moments ago when I walked into the bar. One look tells me that I wasn't going crazy. There wasn't a cloud in the sky.

                                [Downthe_Aliway: WTF? The sky's totally clear. What are you talking about? Are we even in the same city?]

[SeaEscape: Not outside. In your heart.]

I stare at the phone in shock. What the hell? I almost gag at the cheesiness. But it's sad how spot on it is. Somehow he always knows when I'm down. It's almost creepy, if he wasn't so charming. *A/N: Don't talk to creepers please!*

[Downthe_Aliway: Then can you tell me where I can find a little sunshine?]

[SeaEscape: Right here...]

A smile spreads involuntarily across my face. It was nice to know he had a sense of humor. Unlike a certain someone. I poke my tongue out the corner of my mouth while I think of what to say.

[Downthe_Aliway: haha]

[Downthe_Aliway: lol]


I mentally face-palm. What was that? Haha? LOL? Really? Was that all I could come up with? Now he must think I'm just some dumb millennial. Well, I was one of those millennials, but I wasn't dumb. I fling my phone onto the counter and slam my forehead into the granite in misery. I yelp in pain, rubbing the spot of contact. I can feel blood rushing up to my head. Embarrassment washes over me. What was I expecting? Of course that was going to hurt!

"Oh, who are you talking to? Your new boyfriend?" asks Hoseok, staring at my phone with plates full of piping hot food in his hands.

My eyes widen. Quickly, I stuff the phone back into my purse.

I wave my hands in denial. "It's just a friend."

Hoseok raises his eyebrows while he sets my steaming food down in front of me. He leans over until his nose is just inches from mine. His eyes flick between my hazel ones, trying to read my thoughts. "Mhm. Sure. Just a friend..."

"Oh, stop it."

"I'm here. Why don't you talk to me?" whines Hoseok.

"We've known each other for six years. I think we've told each other virtually everything."

His hands now free, Hoseok points at the phone now stashed away in my bag. "Well, apparently not about him," sass sizzling as it reaches my ears.

I sigh, defeated. When Hoseok wanted to know something, nothing could stop him. And I better tell him before he roasts me more.

"We met online, okay? That's all there is to it."

"That's it?" Hoseok looks at me with worry in his eyes. I know Hoseok cared for me like a little sister, but sometimes he's too overprotective.

I shrug. It's not like I'm going to meet up with him or send him nudes. I didn't even know his name. All I knew was that we both were in Seoul.

I wave his face away. "Anyway, it's just for fun. I like having someone to talk to who isn't connected to anyone else," I say nonchalantly.

Hoseok goes uncharacteristically quiet. The atmosphere between us feels heavy. I can hear the crackling from the grease in the food, but the chopsticks beside me lay untouched. I bite my bottom lip and stare at the patches of different stone in the countertop. My finger outlines each individual color where one stone stops and another one starts. "Think about it. No ties. No judgement. No repercussions."

"It's nice," I pause to think for a moment. "It's nice to have someone just for yourself."

Hoseok slowly nods. "Just be careful. There are some weird people on the internet."

I give him a smile. "Yeah. I will."

He mirrors my expression. A warm feeling blossoms in my chest. I stretch over the counter and embrace Hoseok. His spicy cologne tickles my nose.

"I don't deserve a friend like you," I whisper into his ear.

Hoseok's voice hums next to my hair. "Honey, I know."

He pulls away. Hoseok leans his slim body away from the counter, holding on with his hands, then pulling himself close again. "Now spill."

I look at him in confusion. "Spill what? My drink?" That was stupid. Why would Hoseok want me to spill something just so he could clean it back up again?

Hoseok purses his lips in annoyance. Without warning, he snatches my chopsticks off the table and stuffs a good chunk of bulgogi into his mouth.

"Hey, that was mine!" I shout, slapping Hoseok's hand away from a second attempt.

He ignores me and directs the long metal chopsticks at my face. "Worst day. Dress. Boys. I need details."



Finals are next week, so I don't know how much I'll be updating. To be perfectly honest, I'll probably be updating more because I'll be procrastinating studying. Random note: I am obsessed with Oreo Thins. Like, oh my gosh, they're delicious. I'm totally an Oreo cookie gal. Are you a Oreo cookie or cream person? I wanna know. This chapter wasn't very exciting, but I have lots of exciting stuff in mind later that needs to be set up in the beginning, so sorry for the boring chapters for now :/

Lastly, this chapter is dedicated to @ArmyJams for all her hilarious comments and support! I just had a blast reading your reactions <3

Thanks for reading! Please please please comment, vote and share if you enjoyed reading this! ^.^

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