Blame 12 - Just Play Along

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Blame 12

 "We're here," Yoongi announces, pulling up to an enormous creme-colored mansion in the distance.

"What is this place?"

"This," Yoongi gestures dismissively at the residence in front of us. "is the house I grew up in."

This is his house? I gape at his childhood home. Something nags at my head. Why would he ever want to move out then? He could live in a freaking mansion. An iron-wrought gate separates us from the modern castle. Ivy spread its fingers across the dark grey bars. I feel like I'm in a fairytale. I glance at Yoongi. All I needed was my knight in shining armor.

Yoongi leans out his window and presses a button on the side. A voice filled with static buzzes through.

"Who is it?" a bored-sounding female voice drones.

"Mommy's dearest son has come home." Yoongi's voice drips with something between sarcasm and detest.

There was a pause on the other end. "Mr. Min! I'm sure your mother will be so happy so see you again." Her tone takes a complete 180. Cheerfulness forces it's way into her voice. I can hear a hint of hesitation, like she is afraid of saying the wrong thing. There's a click and the gate creaked open.

The grass is a single vibrant shade of green. Everything seems perfectly uniform, not a blade is out of place. Three naked babies spewed crystal clear water into a fountain to our left. Perfectly trimmed trees lead to the main door. Columns stand like soldiers in front of the entrance.

Yoongi parks the car and tosses the keys to a man in a butler uniform. Personal valet. It was like they were running out of things to do with their money.

Immediately, a maid opens the door from the inside. She bows, but keeps her gaze trained on the floor. I awkwardly bow back. Yoongi nudges me.

"Don't bow. You're above her."

I am too in awe to argue. My breath hitches as I take my first real glance around. If the outside is grand, the inside is a dream. The soft light of the sun beaming through the windows enhances the fairytale feel. Flecks of silver paint glitters on the walls. An enormous three tiered chandelier dances above our heads. An occasion painting adorned the hallways. Two spiral staircases on each side of us seem to extend forever.

Yoongi takes hold of my elbow and drags me past the entrance area. My high heels click against the marble floor. Servants bow as we pass. It's an odd feeling, seeing people much older than you bow their heads in respect.

After a dizzying amount of twists and turns, we arrive at two mahogany double doors. The whole walk, Yoongi didn't say a word. But now, he turns to me.

"Just play along." Yoongi stresses the last two words.

I gulp and nod. I want to say something snarky, but the seriousness in Yoongi's voice stops my voice.

He takes a deep breath. Without warning, he swings his arm around my shoulders and jerks me closer to him. Our hips bump into each other. My shoulder presses into the side of his chest. I goggle at Yoongi's arm. I'm all too aware of how close our bodies are. Extremely uncomfortable, I wiggle my body, trying to escape his embrace.

"Stop it!" he hisses out of the corner of his lips. I notice the fake smile Yoongi plasters onto his face. I stop moving. Through our contact, I can feel the tension in his shoulders. I bite my lip and do the same, pulling my cheek muscles into the perfect smile.

Yoongi reaches out and swings the door open.

Dammit. What am I getting myself into?

Blaming Black Cat // Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now