Blame 46 - Raincheck

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Blame 46

I woke up with a pounding headache. I should not have drunk that much, I immediately regretted. Everything seemed fuzzy, like my mind was operating behind a screen door. Vague memories of dancing on top of a table flitted through my head. A heaviness on my face reminded me that I haven't washed my makeup off yet.

My eyes widened as I spotted my shirt that I wore yesterday tossed at the foot of my bed. If my shirt was there, and I was here, then what was I wearing? I quickly peeked down at myself. I sighed in relief.

I was wearing my regular pajamas.

But I didn't remember changing...I groaned as the memories slowly pieced themselves together.

"Woohoo! Fucks toduh yeah!" I shouted as I chugged another beer, a trickle missing my lips and trailing down my chin.

Next to me, Jimin looked in denial at my drunken state. He was the one who had told me to drink, but now he wasn't so sure if it had been the right choice. He put a hand on my arm, lowering the beer can. "Maybe you shouldn't drink too much. Frankly, you're wasted."

I shot him a disbelieving look. "Eryohkiddingmeh? I'm amajing!" I giggled a little at my declaration.

Then I gasped. "I just got duh besh. Idea. Eva!" I started bouncing on my toes, my beer sloshing out of the can. I waited until I had everyone's drunken attention. "Strip-Truth-or-Dare!"

Sunny's flushed face lit up. "Yessssss," she raised her beer in agreement.

Jin didn't look too happy about that.

Jimin raised an eyebrow. He was the dangerous drunk—you couldn't tell he was drunk, but was actually a thousand miles in the clouds. "Strip-Truth-or-Dare? Sounds like my kind of fun."

Yoongi didn't say anything, but didn't protest either. Jungkook was the only one who thought it was a bad idea. And was the only one sober. He was the DD, designated driver.

"I don't like where this is going..." he grumbled.

I nudged him with my shoulder, giggling. "Lighten dafuck up. Liveuhliddle."

Jungkook turned to Jin. "Hyung," he whined. But Jin was too busy trying to keep Sunny upright.

Jungkook sighed.

"Here's how you play," Sunny explained. "It's a normal game of truth-or-dare, but if you don't want to answer the truth or do the dare, you have to do the third option: strip!"

She surveyed the room of players. Her gaze landed on me. "Ali, you start. Truth. Or. Dare."

If I choose "truth" on the first turn then I'll look like a scaredy-cat, I thought.

"Dare," I said with dread settling in my stomach. The feeling grew when I saw the gleam in Sunny's eye.

Dammit, should have said "truth."

"Kiss the person you're most attracted to in this room. On the lips," she smirked.

Mental note: kill Sunny.

My eyes went automatically to Yoongi. Our eyes met for a hot second, and I quickly looked away. I could feel myself blushing. Hopefully, the flush from the alcohol would cover any signs of that.

There was no way I was kissing Yoongi in front of everyone. Third option it is. I shyly began tugging my cardigan off.

Jimin whistled at my form fitting black t-shirt underneath. Jungkook adverted his eyes. Sunny just laughed her head off like she witnessed the funniest thing in her life.

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