Blame 4 - I Can Do So Much Worse

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Blame 4

My jaw drops open. "You? Live here?" I point at the ground.

Something clicks in my head. When I filled out the contract a week ago, the landlady didn't say my roommate was Yoonji, she said Yoongi. I shake my head. "No. No. No. This can't be happening!"

I set my boxes down, and Yoongi does the same. I stab a finger into his chest. "You. Move out."

"Why? I was here first," Yoongi argues.

"But you can't live with me. I'm a girl!"

He puts his hands up. "That's called sexism. It's 2017, not the 1800s. Chivalry is dead."

Annoyance flares up inside me. "Fine," I snap. "Then I'll move out. Douche."

"You can't," Yoongi says bluntly, unfazed by my insult. "There's a statement in the contract that says you have to reside in this apartment for at least 2 months before moving out."

"Just let me stay here until I find a new—WHAT?" I shriek. "Two months?"

Yoongi heads into one of the two bedrooms. "Get comfortable."

I rush after Yoongi into his bedroom. A sickly sweet stench hits my nose. The thought that I was invading his private property wiggles into my mind, but I dismiss it. There are more important matters to take care of. The lights are off so I can only see the outlines of a bed, a desk and a bookshelf. Yoongi's slender shoulders fill the rest of my vision. I stretch my hand out and yank his arm.

"We're not done talking," I demand.

Yoongi's muscles strain as he tries to shake me off. I'm surprised that someone with such a skinny frame has so much strength, but my fingers are like a vice. Yoongi finally turns to face me.

"Let go."

"Not until we talk."

"Let. Go." Yoongi repeats. "Or else..."

"Or else what? You'll hit me?" I stare Yoongi dead straight in the eyes.

The corner of Yoongi's lips twitch upwards. He kicks my legs out from beneath me, and suddenly I'm flat on my back on Yoongi's bed. He grabs a wrist in each hand and pins them above my head. His legs are spread on each side of my body. My heart starts racing.

My gaze travels up Yoongi's figure. In the dim lighting, I can finally see lean muscles hidden away beneath loose clothes. When I get to his face, I stop. The tips of his hair tickle my nose. I start to lose myself inside his greenish-gray eyes.

Yoongi catches me staring and gives me a smirk. "I can do so much worse. Wanna find out...kitten?," he whispers into my hair. He pulls back and bites his bottom lip. For a moment, I'm so tempted to say yes. There was no denying it. Despite how terrible his personality was, Yoongi was incredibly attractive. But I know he's just messing with me.

I tear my gaze away. "What about school tomorrow?" I say to the bookshelf on my left, inwardly groaning. I can already hear the things people will say.

"Tomorrow's Saturday, dumbass."

I feel my cheeks heat up from embarrassment. Yoongi lets out a bark of laughter and flops down beside me. "Now get out."


He shoos me away like a pesky fly. "We'll talk tomorrow. I'm tired."

The bedroom door shuts in my face. I blink. That was it? I was living with Min Yoongi for two whole months now? A yawn escapes my body. I guess it's time for me to sleep too. I start lugging boxes into my bedroom when I realize there isn't a bed. I whimper. Really? My body feels ready to collapse. I imagine Yoongi fast asleep on his soft bed, oblivious to my struggles. Grabbing a blanket from a nearby box, I backtrack into the living area and sink into the couch.

"Goodnight," I mutter. 

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