Blame 19 - Room 63

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Blame 19

The thought of what was waiting for me at home didn't even cross my mind.

Before long, we pulled up by my apartment. The street was quiet with the exception of the car's engine. A couple strolled past us holding hands. The streetlamp in front of us flickered. I could see room lights dotting the face of the building like artificial stars on an artificial night sky.

Our driver twisted in his seat. "Is this it?"

I nodded in confirmation. Beside me, Hoseok pulled out his wallet.

"How much?" Hoseok asked the driver. I put a hand over Hoseok's.

"Let me pay," I protested.

Hoseok shook his head. "No, it's fine. I'll get it."

Guilt built in my stomach. Hoseok was already working three part-time jobs in order to cover his school tuition. His parents didn't approve of Hoseok's teaching career path, so they didn't pitch in with the cost at all. I doubted he had any extra money to spend on me. In addition, I didn't even pay for the food Hoseok made me a couple hours ago.

I dug around in my purse and pulled out the bills Yoongi had bribed me with. Before Hoseok could argue, I shoved a Benjamin ($100 bill) (A/N I f****d up with the currency in this story, but I used US dollars in Yoongi's bribing scene, so let's just assume that they're in Korea, but they use US dollars...) into the hands of the waiting driver. I swung my purse over my shoulder while I waited for my change. Slightly bowing my head, I thanked the nice driver and exited the car. Hoseok followed right behind me, his wallet back in his pocket.

He gestured to the building in front of us. "Show me the way, princess."

I shot him a look, but took the lead. One step in my feet gave way. My vision tunneled, blinking in and out of focus. Hoseok caught my arm. Heat rose in my throat. Oh no. Apparently, the alcohol wasn't done with messing with my body. Right there and then, I leaned over emptied my dinner onto the sidewalk. Left over bile burned my throat, like alcohol but in a bad way. Hoseok calmly rubbed my back in soothing circles. I forced deep breaths into my body. In. Out. In. Out. Until my body calmed down.

"Room 63, you said?" Hoseok asked with a gentle voice.

I nodded weakly. Letting him guide me with a light touch on my arm, we entered the building. Blinding fluorescent lights made me squint until my eyes adjusted. The familiar smell of black coffee and cheap air refreshener greet me. I pointed to the elevator on our right.

"Second floor," I mumbled, waddling my way over to the up arrow button.

Right away, the elevator dinged and the worn metal doors slide open with a creak. Hoseok followed me in. "Second floor?"

I nodded. My head was killing me. The distorted vision was gone, but now I was starting to develop a pounding headache. Not to mention how lightheaded I felt.

The eyebrows on Hoseok's face creased. "But you're in room 63..."

"The landlord does this weird thing where he counts by sevens. So I'm actually in room 9. Five rooms per floor, therefore the second floor," I manage to spit out before another wave of dizziness makes my eyes flutter close. A confused expression covered Hoseok's face, but he pushed the button marked "2" anyway. The landlord was weird, but who was I to complain? Considering the price of the place, I couldn't care less if he counted by sevens or by elevens.

The elevator began its ascent up. My stomach paid the price for defying gravity. It flipped and churned inside me. My hands clutched the elevator bar so hard my knuckles turned white. Vaguely, I could hear Hoseok asking if I was alright. I barely managed to keep myself from vomiting a second time before the elevator dinged again, signaling our arrival.

Even with Hoseok's help, I stumbled into the hallway. Stopping at the front door, I dug around my purse for my keys. I wiggled the keys into the lock.

Before I could twist the doorknob, the door swung open. Yoongi stood in front of me dressed in a heavy black trench coat that matched his hair. A gray wool scarf wrapped around his neck and draped down his shoulders. His hands were hidden in his pockets. The frown that I was so used to seeing was plastered on his face, a little more stern than usual.

When his gaze locked on mine, his mouth dropped open. "Alisha?"


Merry Christmas! Happy holidays! I hope you all are staying nice and warm surrounded by loved ones and presents. I can't give you guys much, but here's another chapter like I promised :) 

I like to think of you guys as my presents, since I have the sweetest readers. But if you want to give me a present, please vote, share, and comment what presents you got this year!

Also, I really just want to get Yoongi back into the story, so I'll be adding a little unedited excerpt from the next chapter below!

- Love, Laurie <3


 "Hey." Yoongi glanced at me before looking away when our eyes met.

"Hey," I replied.

He played with his collar, tugging it away from his neck. I could see how uncomfortable he was. Sweat shone on his skin. His gaze kept wondering around the room. No doubt he didn't have practice in heart-to-heart talks.

Yoongi licked his lips. Once. Twice. "Look, I'm sorry. I knew what my mother was like. I shouldn't have asked you to do that for me even though I paid you money."

"Damn right you shouldn't have," I retorted with a snort.

"It was my mistake. But..."

A heavy silence filled the room.

I took a deep breath, ready to defend myself. I didn't get the chance to...

To be continued...

Blaming Black Cat // Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now