Blame 42 - Ship Sailing

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Blame 42

An obnoxious bell blared from the professor's phone. It echoed through the lecture hall where I was taking my last final. Around me students scrambled to fill in the last questions before the teacher snatched their tests away.

Checking over my answers one last time, I confidently strode up to the front of the classroom and placed my answer sheet on a sad little pile. The hallways were still quiet. I guess I was one of the first students done.

The moment I was out of the building I stretched my arms toward the sky and took a deep breath. "I'm done! No more tests!" I cried out.

It felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. All those hours of studying finally paying off. Nothing but the parties and end of the year activities to look forward to. I couldn't wait to ditch all the studying and energy drinks for dancing and alcohol.

A high-pitched voice came from behind me.


Sunny bounded over to me and wrapped her slender arms around my waist. She plopped her chin on top of my head and swayed from side to side, bringing me along with her.

"I feel like we haven't seen each other in forever. How's my bud doing?" she asked, her bottom jaw pressing into my skull.

I wiggled out of her grasp. "Now that I'm done with hell? Just sunny." I winked at her and gave her a proper hug.

Sunny laughed, her voice tinkling like bells. The boys around us all turned their heads and stared at her. I squeezed her shoulders and directed her back to her dorm room, glaring at them. She's mine.

And Jin's.

Speaking of Jin...

We stopped at an authentic Chinese restaurant for lunch before finally heading back to Sunny's dorm. When we arrived, I set the leftovers into her mini fridge.

"You wanna watch a movie or something?" Sunny yelled from the common area.

I shut the fridge, sealing the cold air inside. Sunny poked her head into the miniature kitchen. "Hello? Earth to Bud?"

Feeling nostalgic, I squished Sunny's cheeks together. Aigo. So cute. "I don't want to watch a movie. Let's catch up."

Sunny smiled. Without a word, she took my hand, and we sprinted into her room.

I collapsed onto her small twin sized bed, breathing in her signature coconut perfume. Sunny closed the curtain and shut off the light, leaving us with just the slightest light spilling from the creaks. The bed dipped beside me. Sunny's shoulder brushed against mine.

"Wow," I breathed. "We haven't done this in a while."

Sunny made a noise of agreement. "Life kept us busy."

We laid there in the dark for a couple minutes, just enjoying each other's company. It was so relaxing. No pressure, nothing. I realized how much I missed my best friend's presence.

Sunny, of course, broke the silence.

"So, any new guys catch your eye?"

An image of Yoongi flashed through my mind. My cheeks heated up.

"Psh, do you even know me? Of course not. Who would look at me?" I raised an eyebrow even though she wasn't looking. "The real question is: how's the progress with coffee boy?"

Sunny giggled. I could see Sunny's cute blush and close-lipped shy smile in my mind's eye.

"We're getting somewhere," she whispered.

I gasped and clapped my hands together. Excitement bubbled in my chest for my dear friend. I've been too busy getting ready for finals that I hadn't really kept an eye on Sunny and Jin's relationship progress. "Has the ship sailed?"

In the dim lighting, I saw Sunny nod. I squealed in joy, my inner fangirl coming out. She covered her face up in embarrassment.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you. That's great. Have you guys gone on an official date yet?" I gushed.

Sunny kicked her legs like a child. A smile lit up her face. "So you know that dinner at Once in a Blue Moon that you couldn't make it to?"

I did make it. You just didn't see me, I thought. But I nodded my head.

"Well, we had the most wonderful dinner ever. It was so romantic. Jin was so sweet. And the food! SO good, best part hands down. And afterwards, he asked me out to lunch!" Her voice rose in elation.

"And then?" I asked, hungry for more details.

"And then, when we were supposed to have lunch together, he came and picked me up from work. With a cup of coffee," Sunny waved her hands around. "Alisha. You won't believe what happened next."

I gestured for her to go on.

"He spilled the coffee on my shirt! So we had to go clothes shopping, and we spent hours looking around stores and trying out clothes," she sighed wistfully. "It was like straight out of a drama."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Keeping dreaming, sweetie."

"Ya!" Sunny pouted, her bottom lip sticking out. "This is my story time. I get to tell it how I want."

I snorted.

"Anyway, as I was saying. After that, he walked me back to my shift at the flower place. Before leaving, he bought a rose and then he asked me to be his girlfriend!"

"Did you say yes?"

"Of course I said yes, dummy. Sometimes I wonder how you're one of the top students at uni."

We chuckled and settled back into the darkness. Our minds filled with stories to share, but we didn't say them out loud. Both of us knew we'd have plenty of time in the future to enjoy those. Right now, it was enough to just have each other.

"Are you happy?" I asked out of the blue.


"With Jin? Are you happy that he asked you out?"

Sunny didn't answer for a moment.

"Yeah. I think so. I mean, I like him a lot. My heart feels light when I'm around him. So yeah, I'm happy."

I swirled her response around my head.

"Why?" Sunny asked me.

I bit my lip. "Because there's something that I probably should have told you sooner." Nervous butterflies fluttered in my stomach. "There actually is this guy. I feel like I can't breathe when I'm around him. He makes me wild. Sunny,  I-I think I like him."

Sunny gasped. "My bud is finally in love? Who?" she exclaimed.

"Min Yoongi. And he's my roommate."


Hello! Another update. Sunny's back. And her ship has sailed. If I stick to my outline, this story should have about 5 long chapters left, but we'll see how it turns out. I never stick to my outlines. Whoops. Anyway, thanks for reading. And I hope you enjoyed this week's chapter.

As always, please don't forget to vote, share, comment, or whatever the heck you feel like!

Love, Laurie <3

Word count: 1189

P.S. Thank you for 2.7K reads!! You guys are the best! ❤

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