Blame 5 - Oh Crap

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Blame 5

I wake up to the sound of Mansae blaring from my phone. Groggily, I stretch my arm in the direction of the sound and feel around until I grab my phone. I squint an eye open. The caller ID reads, "My Sunny". I bring the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I mutter.

"Hey, bud!" Sunny's peppy voice shouts through the speakers. "Where's your new place? I wanna come over and throw a huge house warming party!! I bought movies and jajangmyeon. Your favorite!" I can just see Sunny wiggling her perfect eyebrows, knowing exactly how to butter me up.

My mouth waters at the mention of my favorite food. I quickly tell her my address.

"Perfect! I'm only a couple blocks away!"

"Wait. You're not bringing any boys with you, are you?" I frown.

"Only three."

I groan. When I moved into my old apartment, instead of making me feel at home, I had felt like the 5th wheel. "No boys."

"Two?" Sunny pouts.

"No. No boys means no boys."

"Just one? Please? I think he's the one. He's super cute and nice. You'll like him, I promise," Sunny pleads.

"Aish!" There was no way I could say no to Sunny when she was trying to do something nice for me, even if it did make me feel like the third wheel. Anyway, I didn't have any energy to argue with Sunny this early in the morning. "Fine. Just one. And he better be as good as you say, or I'm kicking him to the curb."

"Yay! Saranghae, bud! I'm gonna stop and get a cake. Then I'll be right there." Sunny squeals.

A smile breaks through my sleepy expression. "Alright, Sunny. See you soon."

I end the call and stretch my arms toward the ceiling. Something tugs at the back of my head, like I've missed something. I rub my eyes. It must be the dream I'd forgotten. A morning yawn takes over the body. Rubbing my eyes, I glance at the clock on the wall across from me. 2PM (the hottest time of day ^^) ALREADY?

Suddenly, I'm wide awake. I look down at my body. I am still in the same outfit as yesterday. My stomach growls. I shrug and pick my way to the kitchen. My eyes spy the egg carton on the counter. I dig around the fridge and pull out some tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, and most importantly, bacon. I ruffle through the cabinets in search of a pan and set it on the stove. My mouth starts to water as the ingredients hit the pan.

In a few minutes, my omelet is done. I grab a fork and dig in. Mmmmmm. Delicious.

As if lured by the smell, a half-asleep Yoongi stumbles into the kitchen. His hair sticks up in all directions. His clothes, the same as yesterday, look crumpled. His face looks so relaxed. A tiny yawn escapes his mouth. Long canines poke through. My eyes widen. I giggle a little on the inside. There was no way this cutie was "Delinquent Yoongi". This had to be someone else.

Yoongi points at my omelet. "I want one."

I stare at him. He sounds like a child asking for a new toy. "Make your own."

"I can't."

"Why? Your hands too precious for cooking?"

"I don't know how to cook."

Oh. Well, that's awkward. "Oh...Um...Then I'll—"

Just then, the doorbell rings. Phew. Saved by the bell. Thank god for Sunny's impeccable timing.

"Coming!" I shout over my shoulder.

I take a step, but Yoongi stops me.

"Who is that?"

Horror consumes my body. I mentally beat myself up. How could I be so stupid? That's what I was forgetting. I look desperately at Yoongi, then to the front door, and then back to Yoongi.

Oh crap.

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