Blame 6 - House Warming Party

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Blame 6

I jump out of my seat. Grabbing Yoongi's hand, I push him back into his bedroom.

"Hide in the closet. And please don't make a sound!" I hiss.

"What the—," he yelps as I shut the door in his face.

On the way to the front door, I run my fingers through my hair, trying the tame the brown jungle on top my head. I take a deep breath.

"Annyeong Sunny," I say as Sunny pushes her way in.

She twirls in a circle and takes in the boxes strewn around my apartment. "Wow. It's messier than I imagined."

I shrug sheepishly. "Sorry, I didn't have much time to unpack yesterday." Thanks to a certain someone.

Trailing behind Sunny was a handsome young man that looked around my age, maybe a little older. I subtly look him up and down. He has the appearance of the perfect boyfriend. Tall, handsome. A little bit of the bad boy vibe going, but not too much. In his hands is a white cake with black flecks. My mouth waters. Kookies & Creme, my favorite.

Sunny's boy motions at the cake in his hands the best he can. "Where should I put this?"

"I'll take it." I set the cake on the kitchen counter.

"He made it himself," Sunny chirps in.

I gape at him. Suddenly, he was not just another one of Sunny's boys. "Are you serious? That's amazing! Thank you. No one's ever made a cake before. This one can't even make toast without burning it." I jab a thumb at Sunny.

He laughs, trying to hide his pride in his cake. "Nah, it was no trouble at all. But it is pretty amazing, isn't it?" he says matter-of-factly.

He reaches a hand out. "I don't think we've met before. I'm Kim Seokjin, but most people call me Jin."

I take it. "Alisha Lee."

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Mine as well." His grip is firm, but gentle. I glance at Sunny. She wiggles her eyebrows at me. And Yoongi thought chivalry was dead!

"I hate to ask this so soon, but, where's the bathroom?" Jin asks.

"First door on the left." I point down a little hallway.

"Thanks," Jin says before disappearing behind a corner.

As soon as I'm sure Jin is out of earshot, I spin toward Sunny.

"Dreamy, isn't he?" Sunny sighs.

"Where the heck did you find someone like him?"

"He works part-time in the cafe across the street from Picasso's Flowers," giggles Sunny. Picasso's Flowers was the florist shop Sunny worked part-time at. "But we're not official yet. I've tried dropping hints like crazy, but I think he still sees me as the girl who has a caffeine addiction. So don't do anything weird, okay?"

I grin. This was a first. Sunny chasing after a guy?

I'm about to demand Sunny spill all the details when Jin steps back into the kitchen. I glance over at Sunny, make a zipper motion over my lips, and wink.

Sunny beckons Jin over. "Can we cut open that cake now? I'm starving," she begs me with big puppy eyes.

For the next two hours, Jin, Sunny, and I sit around the kitchen and chat over the Kookies & Creme cake. I find myself liking Jin more and more. He seemed like the perfect person for Sunny. He had a calmer, more mature style going, but occasionally, I could see a childish personality peek through. Not to mention, Jin could cook! Which means no more Sunny leeching off my cooking. What more could you want in a boyfriend? At least I knew Sunny would never starve if they got together.

But there was just one problem with Jin.

"Guess what my favorite animal is?"

"What?" Sunny bats her eyelashes at Jin.

"A dol-JIN!" A honk of laughter bursts out of Jin. "Get it? A dolphin? A dol-JIN?"

Sunny looks confused of a second, then slaps his bicep with tears in her eyes.

"You're so funny!" she yells.

"Heh..." I squeeze out a laugh, but inwardly groan. My eye twitches. That joke was terrible. I can't tell if Sunny actually thinks he's funny, or if she's just trying look good in front of him.

Suddenly, a loud thump echoes through the kitchen.

"Did you hear something?" Sunny furrows an eyebrow. She jumps up and walks to the living room. Jin and I follow behind her.

My stomach falls to the bottom of my feet. Somehow I know exactly what made that sound. I lick my lips nervously. "No?"

"I swear I heard something."

"OH! That must have been my—uh—CAT!" I yelp as she moves toward Yoongi's bedroom. "M—MY CAT!"

I block her way to his door.

"But I thought you were allergic to cats."

"NOT ANYMORE! HAHAHA!" I mentally slap myself. I must look like a maniac.

"Oh. I never knew you had a cat."

Well, I do now. A full grown, 21-year-old black cat named Yoongi.

"He's a stray." I attempt a chuckle. It comes out more like a wheeze.

"I wanna see. What's his name?"

Sunny pushes me away from the door. I start to panic. What if she discovers Yoongi? I'll never live it down. "HiS nAMe Is FUZZY! AnD yOU prObAbLY WOn't SeE hIm CAuSE hE HaTEs PEoPLe," I screech.

"Dude, chill. Cat's usually love me. Let me try to get him out." Sunny shoves me out of the way.

I hold my breath as Sunny turns the doorknob.

The door swings open and my heart stops.

Blaming Black Cat // Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now