Blame 13 - Pretending

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Blame 13

The doors swing inwards with a bang. The sound rings through the empty halls behind us. A long dinner table covered with platters of food fills the room. The delicious aroma of gourmet food wafts into the air. Two people sit at the very end. A middle aged man and a woman.

I see the woman's gaze flicker to Yoongi's arm around my shoulders. Yoongi must have noticed to, because he slides his arm down to my waist.

The lady gets up slowly and sashays her way over. The man beside her follows her example. As she gets closer, I feel like I recognize her features. She has Yoongi's eyes, his face shape and his lips. Or rather, Yoongi has her eyes, her face shape and her lips.

"Yoongi! My suga bear! It's been so long since you've visited. I told you to call me if you came." She cups Yoongi's face in between her hands and gives him a little peck on the nose.

If I wasn't so uncomfortable, I would've thought it was adorable. The way she had to stand on her tiptoes to reach Yoongi's face. The way Yoongi bent his knees ever so slightly to match her height. But underneath the affection, I sensed a string of tension.

I snap out of my trance and remember my manners. I bow a full 90°. "Annyeonghasayo! I'm Alisha Lee, Yoongi's—"

She takes Yoongi's arm and ushers him into a seat at the table, completely ignoring me. My cheeks burn up. Maybe she just didn't notice me.

Yeah, right. Even a blind person would've noticed that greeting.

I take the seat next to Yoongi. Yoongi's mother sits across from him and the man I assume is his father sits across from me.

Something grips my hand. I jump, but it's only Yoongi. His fingers lace with mine. His pinky draws lazy circles into my palm. For some reason, it calms me down.

"Eomma, I want to introduce someone to you. This is my girlfriend Alisha Lee." Yoongi gives my hand a squeeze.

I can feel his mother drilling a hole into the back of my hand. Our eyes meet. Distaste radiates from her body. Someone did not approve of me.

I try again to introduce myself. She takes my outstretched hand like it's a snake. "I'm Alisha Lee. Nice to meet you." I duck my head in respect.

"Ah, I'm Yoongi's mother, Min Ha Sun." Her smile doesn't quiet reach her eyes.

She turns her attention to her son. "A new girlfriend already? What is this, the sixth one this year? Don't you think you should be dating someone...with more class? Perhaps someone like Park Eun Jung, daughter of Hyundai's CEO."

So this is where Yoongi got his rudeness.

I try to ignore her jab, but my cheeks heat up anyway.

"Eomma, I love her."

My head jerks toward Yoongi. What did he just say? I know we were just pretending, but dang, hearing that makes my heart pound. I take a couple deep breaths. Calm down, Alisha. You don't even like him.

Yoongi reaches out and turns my body so that we're facing each other, our profiles out toward his mother. "Alisha, I love you."

If I couldn't see the pleading in his eyes, I would've thought he was really confessing his feelings.

Ha Sun looks at me expectedly.

" you, too." A bitter aftertaste coats my tongue. I haven't said those four words in years. They feel foreign coming from my mouth. Yoongi smiles at me and touches his lips to my cheek. His hair tickles my nose. The place where his lips touch feels electric. My heart screams. It knows this is just an act.

But Ha Sun is unconvinced. "You hesitated. I'm just going to get straight to the point. I love my son, but he doesn't have very good taste in women. I don't want him dating a dirty gold digger whore. So please get out of my son's life."

Ha! I'm so shocked for a moment, I can't do anything but laugh. I can't deny the gold digger part. Yoongi did bribe me to come along after all. But I wasn't a whore. "You think I'm a whore? Me?"

"I mean, look at that skimpy dress. I'm sure you've gotten lots of stupid young men into bed with that tiny piece of fabric."

I shake my head. I can't even believe what she's saying. Was she crazy?

"I don't even—" like Yoongi. I stop myself just in time.

Yoongi comes to my rescue. "She's different. She's not like that. And she's certainly better than your lover over there." He jerks his head at the man across from me.


"I'm sure Father would love to know that you're having another affair. What is this? Your third one?" Ha Sun's lover adverts his eyes.

"Yoongi, please—"

"I'm just following your example," Yoongi says coldly.

"Marrying your father was the biggest mistake of my life. I don't want you to make the same mistake." Suddenly, Ha Sun looks incredibly tired. For the first time, I notice the bags under her eyes and wrinkles on her forehead.

Beside me, Yoongi starts to shake in anger.

"So I'm just the product of a mistake," he spits out.

"No! That came out wrong. I don't regret it. I love you! I just don't love your father."

"But you love his money. Admit it, you had me so that Father would stay with you and feed your luxurious lifestyle. I'm done being used."


"Come on, Alisha. Let's leave this toxic place." Yoongi takes my hand and leads me outside without looking back. 


Do you guys want me to start writing short author's notes at the end of every chapter? I try not to because I think it gives the story a more "professional" feel, but I enjoy reading author's notes so I was wondering if you guys would like to read some too.

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