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Blame 30

I tugged the scarf around my neck a little higher. A trail of sweat wound it's way down the side of my cheek. The restaurant was uncomfortably warm, but I couldn't run the risk of Sunny or Jin recognizing me. Beside me, Yoongi's black mask covered the bottom portion of his face.

"Uh, one table for two under the name Min Yoongi?" he replied to the waitress at the front podium. Her hair was tied in a high ponytail that showed off her sharp angular features. There was something professional about her that intimidated me. She smiled down at him with her painted lips and gestured to the plush leather seats next to us.

"We'll be right with you. Please take a seat," the waitress instructed.

I nervously sat next to Yoongi. The rest of the seats were empty, but it seemed even more awkward to leave a seat in-between us since we came together.

Before long, another beautiful blond called our names with two menus in her hands. We followed her to a table tucked away in a corner with a wonderfully unblocked view of the whole venue.

A live pianist played soft classical music in the background. Dim lights made the whole atmosphere ten times more romantic. Around us, people in fancy attire chattered to their acquaintance next to them. I recognized a famous singer named Daesung. My heart almost jumped out of my chest when I spotted actors from a recent favorite movie of mine sitting three tables away: Jo Jung Suk and Do Kyungsoo.

A tall waiter with soft features and brown hair dressed in the standard white button-up and black pants uniform approached Yoongi and I.

My heart fluttered against my ribcage. He was gorgeous. He somehow made something as boring as that uniform look like it belonged on a runway. Maybe I should find a job here too. My attention immediately focused on his stunning big eyes and perfect pink lips.

"Can I get you something to drink, miss?" I did a double take. I did not expect such a deep voice. It resonated through my body and made everything he said suddenly extremely sexy.

My ability to speak suddenly went out the door. "Uh, I-I? Me? I don't drink? How are you?"

Ughhh. Now this hot guy thinks you're a bumbling idiot. Way to go.

Yoongi snickered. My face heated up. "Just get us some water, Taehyung."

This was Taehyung? I gazed at Taehyung again with new eyes. So this was the son of the CEO of this restaurant.

"And if Jin or some girl comes in asking for the other table, take 'em in without letting them see us," Yoongi continued.

Taehyung scrunched his perfectly sculpted eyebrows. "Sure, Hyung, but you have some questions to answer."

Yoongi waved a hand. "Shoot."

"What the hell are you doing?" Taehyung asked.

"We're setting Jin and a friend of mine up on a date," I piped up, determined not to be left out of the conversation.

Taehyung turned his piercing stare on me. "And who, exactly, are you?"

I glanced at Yoongi. I wasn't prepared for this question. What were we? Classmates? Apartmentmates? More? "I'm–he's–we're–" I stuttered.

"We're just friends. We have history class together," Yoongi answered for me.

"Just friends," Taehyung cocked an eyebrow. "Hyung, you're never just friends."

I gasped, smacking Yoongi's shoulder. "Shhh! Sunny's here."

The three of us directed our attention to the front entrance where Sunny was wearing a knee length black and purple dress. A small teardrop was cut out just under the neckline. Skintight sleeves emphasized the slimness of her arms. A pair of glossy black heels showed off her killer bare legs. A single silver rhombus hung off each delicate ear.

We watched as she found her spot at an empty table across the room.

Taehyung let out a low whistle. "Wow. She's a looker."

"She's Jin's," I whispered.

Taehyung stared at me in shock. "That's Jin's date? No way. She's way out of his league."

I shrugged. The heart wants what it wants.

Sunny started looking around the room, probably searching for me. I ducked my head down. My phone buzzed through my purse. A text from Sunny.

Sunny: i'm here. where r u?

I texted her back: Sorry, Sunny. Something came up. I can't come, but I found someone else to take my place. Have fun! And don't forget to use protection. ;)

I snickered at my screen. Something about a text made it so much easier to tease Sunny. A moment later, Jin arrived wearing a snappy gray suit and a baby blue button-up. I nodded in approval at his fashion sense. Taehyung walked Jin over to Sunny and handed them both menus. The younger brunette peeked over at us and gave the "okay" sign.

The shocked looks on their faces was priceless. Sunny had gone completely pale like she'd seen a ghost, while Jin's face was bright red.

Beside me, Yoongi cracked up. A sharp burst of laughter erupted from him. My own chuckles quickly joined in, half laughing at Jin and Sunny and half laughing at Yoongi's laugh. I clutched my stomach in pain, tears dotting the corners of my eyes. I clamped a hand over my mouth in a desperate attempt to stifle gasps of breaths.

The people around us stared at us in horror. I tugged at Yoongi's blazer. "I can't do this. We're gonna blow our cover. Let's go."

Yoongi agreed through his giggles.

We discretely said our goodbyes to Taehyung, leaving him a tip, and exited the building.

The moment we stepped out into the cold Seoul air, we burst back into laughter.

"D-did you see his face?" Yoongi cried.

I braced my arms on my thighs. "He looked like a tomato," I choked out.

The image of Jin as a tomato caused Yoongi to fall onto the dirty sidewalk, howling in laughter. I died. Another round of giggles exploded out of me as I watched Yoongi roll around on the ground with his arms over his torso.

"Ow! Stop m-making me laugh!" I took a couple deep breaths, calming myself down. My abs felt like they had just done 100 sit-ups.

I helped Yoongi back onto his feet, his face still stuck in a gummy smile. We looked at each other. I could still see the fun twinkle in his eyes.

He held a hand up, palm facing me. I stared at it in confusion.

"Don't tell me you don't know what a high-five is," he said, rolling his eyes.

I playfully stuck my tongue at him and slapped his outstretched hand.

"Come on. Let's go home," Yoongi said. His stomach growled. A hint of pink dotted the apples of his cheeks.

"And pick up some Yamyong Chicken on the way," I added with a giggle.

The stars above us seemed especially bright that night. My heart warmed despite the cold. I smiled to myself. Home.


I haven't updated in a couple days, so here's a slightly longer-than-usual chapter :) I hope you liked it. Coming up next is exam time!

If you enjoyed the story, please vote, share and comment comment comment! Thank you for reading! I love you all.

Love, Laurie <3

P.S. Shoutout to anyone who remembers Yoongi saying "Yamyong Chicken" in that one interview

P.P.S. Shoutout to anyone who knows what movie I referenced...

P.P.P.S. It was Hyung starring Jo Jung Suk and DO btw. If you haven't seen it, you have to. Right now. It's amazing. And bring a box of tissues.

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