Blame 7 - War

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm really bad at managing my time '^^ Please forgive me. Don't forget to vote, leave comments and share!! Enjoy!

Blame 7

"Wow, your roommate must really like flowers," Jin breathes.

We all stand frozen at the sight in front of us. Yoongi's room was cram packed with flowers of every variety. Roses, lilies, daisies, lavender, marigolds, carnations, you name it, that flower was in there. Every surface, every crevice had a vase with at least 20 flowers inside. It looked like someone took a bunch of different colors and splattered them on a blank canvas. It was beautiful, but there was something sinister about the way the flowers drooped in their vases.

I suddenly realize something. The scent I smelled last night in Yoongi's room came from all the flowers.

"Yeah, haha...I guess he does." I'm as surprised as them.


"I mean, she!"

Sunny turns to me. "Where is your roommate anyway?"

I eye the closet that Yoongi must be hiding in. A bead of sweat rolls down my temple. "I'm not really sure. I think she went to have dinner."

"You could have invited her. I mean, she is your roommate after all." Sunny picks up a cerulean blue vase and looks at the irises inside. "Well kept," she mutters.

"She's not very, um, social." An almost inaudible growl emerges from behind the closet door.

My head whips toward Sunny. Did she hear? I wring my hands. "I mean—I don't think we should be here. Don't you feel like we're invading his—I mean, her—privacy."

She sets the vase back down again and glances at her watch. "I guess. I gotta get back to work anyway."

We step back out into the living and say our goodbyes. Suddenly, my whole body relaxes. I didn't even realize I was so tense back in Yoongi's room. Now my heart rate slows down to a normal pace. I move to hug both of them.

"Bye Jin. It was really nice meeting you. Hopefully we can hang out sometime?" I ask, wrapping him in a hug.

"Oh yeah, definitely. And it was nice meeting you too. Thanks for having me over," Jin says above my head.

"What about me?" Sunny whines next to me.

I point at her converse by the front door. "Get your shoes on first, and then I'll give you a hug."

Sunny flashes me a blinding smile and hops into her shoes. She spreads her arms, ready for a hug. Smiling, I sink into them.

"Thank you for coming," I mumble into her hair. "You made my day."

I feel a smack on my shoulder. "Oh, stop it," laughs Sunny, her petite face pink. "You're worse than any guy."

I chuckle. "Annyeong!" I wave goodbye to both of them.

The door clicks shut and I sprint to Yoongi's room. Stopping right in front of his closed door, I hesitantly close my hand around the doorknob.

Without warning, the door swings inward. An irritated, half-asleep Yoongi stumbles out of his room. "If you want to live to see another day, don't ever do that again."

My eyes travels down to his pink lips. My cheeks flush when I remember the way he kissed me in the classroom.

He stalks to the kitchen, bumping my shoulder on the way out.

Um, excuse me. Rude. I admit. I did ask Yoongi to hide in a closet for 2 hours, but that doesn't give him the right to be disrespectful.

I follow my roommate into the kitchen. He's pouring hot boiling water into a cup of ramen.

"I thought you wanted an omelet."

Yoongi whips out a pair of chopsticks from a drawer. "I changed my mind. I don't want anything made by a fucking idiot. I might get a disease."


My jaw drops. That was it. I might have disliked Yoongi before. But now, I hated Yoongi.

I chew my top lip. This was war.

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